Thursday, August 23, 2007

PW Bible Study Overview

by Billie F. Breedlove

As September rolls around, Presbyterian Women are making preparations to begin the 2007-2008 Bible study. The Morning and Afternoon Circles are studying the book, Above and Beyond: Hearing God’s Call in Jonah and Ruth.

Two things Jonah and Ruth have to teach is that God’s steadfast love goes above and beyond anything we’ve ever imagined. Secondly, that God’s love calls us to respond and leaves no corner of our lives untouched. What does it really mean to, “hear God’s call?” I’m sure we all have heard this phrase, but we often apply it only to those who go into full-time ministry. In this Bible study, we will be looking at a much broader description of what it means to hear God’s call.

Perhaps you have been a Christian for a while and are wondering whether there is more to it than you are currently experiencing. Your call may come as you discover new ways God wants to work in and through you. For the deeply committed Christian, the call may be to go “further up and further in” studying God’s Word.

Sometimes we assume that gender makes a difference in how or whether we are called. For some reason in the past years, God’s call was reserved for the male population of our society. I’ve heard it said many times, “In Scripture, the vast majority of calls are for men.” But as I have studied the Bible, I’ve learned that the Bible is full of women who are called in quite specific ways. Some examples are: Deborah was a prophet and a judge (Judges 4:4); Miriam was a prophet (Exodus 15:20); Phoebe was a deacon (Romans 16:1).

It is true that Jonah received a more traditional call, in that he was called to be a prophet. However, both Jonah and Ruth received a call in the more general sense. Each Christian has a call! This means there is something specific that God has for you, a Christian, to say or do.

Having become a Christian through faith in Jesus Christ and giving your life to God, each Christian must continue to listen for God’s call throughout his or her life. Each Christian must continue to ask, “What am I called to say?” “What am I called to do?” “What am I called to be?” I firmly believe that each Christian has a specific call to do something in God’s Kingdom as long as He gives us life. Trusting God to faithfully provide what is needed to fulfill the call. Will you hear God’s call and answer it with a yes?

During these times without a pastor, will you answer the call to:

· Pray daily for our session and congregational leadership

· Be faithful in attendance and giving

· Encourage the Search Committee as God’s person to fill our pulpit is located.

· Radiate God’s love with a smile.

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