Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Reception for Haley & Jay Williams 10/1/06

  • Our retiring Youth Directors, Haley & Jay Williams, will be honored with a reception at 10:35 A.M. in the Recreation Room this Sunday, October 1st. Everyone is invited to attend.

Early Worship Time Shift

  • Beginning this Sunday, October 1st, the Early Worship Service will begin at 9:00 A.M. and the service will be shortened to 30 minutes.

Christian Sympathy

  • Our Christian sympathy is with Kelli Wingert Wallace and family in the death of her husband, James Seth (Jim) Wallace.

Worship Leaders 10/1/06

  • Nursery – Missy Baker, Sarah Ashton Baker
  • Wee Worship – Haley & Jay Williams
  • 8:30 A.M. Usher – Andrea Staten
  • 11:00 A.M. Ushers – David Maddux, Nicole Risner, Daniel Lightsey, Rob Maddux
  • Greeters – Mandy Henry, Kevin Henry, Claire Sanders, Billie Garner
  • Acolytes – Canice Nickle, Emily Appleton

PYF 10/1/06

  • This Sunday, October 1st, PYF will go to the movies in Oxford to see the movie Facing the Giant. We will leave from the church and departure time will be announced during the 11:00 A.M. worship service on Sunday.

SNL 10/1/06

  • On Sunday, October 1st, SNL participants will meet at 4:30 P.M. at the church. We will conclude at 6:00 P.M.

PW CT Meeting 10/2/06

  • The Presbyterian Women’s Coordinating Team will meet on Monday, October 2nd, at 9:00 A.M. in the Session Room.

PW Mary-Martha Study

  • The October Mary-Martha Night Circle meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 3rd, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Whitten House. Notes from the first meeting can be found at The first four chapters will be the focus of our discussion. Contact Janey Ginn at 662-934-8821 or for more information.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Halloween Mission for College Students

All church members are invited to bring treats or money for treats or postage to the church office by October 8th. On Monday, October 16th, you are invited to meet at the church at 10:00 A.M. to assemble the treats and mail them to our 18 college students. Here is a list of our college students:

  • Josh Boren (Delta State)
  • Abigail Broome (Ole Miss)
  • Sadie Broome (Ole Miss)
  • Molly Cox (Northwest)
  • Patrick Ellis (Ole Miss)
  • William Garner (Northwest)
  • Beth Honnoll (Ole Miss)
  • Scott Honnoll (Northwest)
  • Madison Kilgore (Ole Miss)
  • Ginnie Monteith (Miss. State)
  • John Monteith (Miss. State)
  • Harrison Nickle (Ole Miss)
  • Trey Poole (Ole Miss)
  • Will Poole (Ole Miss)
  • Katie Prather (Delta State)
  • Kate Robison (Southern Miss)
  • Justin Rogers (Northwest)
  • Garret Stone (Ole Miss)

Prayer List

  • Louise Bagwell, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, Lucy Clark, Kathy Davidson, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Bobby Hays, Lee Herron, Mike Kelly, Jr., J. T. Ketchum, Andy Kozain, Kay Long, Dr. Rupe Lovelace, Bebe Lyon, Kayla Massey, Hazel McBride, Allison McCord, Frances Meurrier, Erin Meyens, Erica Meyens, Jeff Nichols, Paulette Norman, Calvin Patton, Ralph Pitcock, Jack Ray, Tony Ray, Cindy Staten, Mike Turner, Johnny Walters.

Fall Picnic 10/15/06

  • The Fall picnic will be held on Sunday, October 15th, at 5:00 P.M. in the back yard of the Whitten House.

Reception for Haley & Jay Williams 10/8/06

  • Our retiring Youth Directors, Haley and Jay Williams, will be honored with a reception at 10:35 A.M. in the Recreation Room on Sunday, October 8th. Everyone is invited to attend.

Congregational Meeting 10/8/06

  • The Session has scheduled a congregational meeting during the 11:00 A.M. worship service on October 8, 2006, for the purpose of electing church officers.

Early Worship Time Shift

  • Beginning October 1st, the Early Worship Service will begin at 9:00 A.M. each Sunday and the service will be shortened to 30 minutes.

SNL 9/24/06

  • SNL participants will enjoy a Progressive Dinner this Sunday, September 24th, beginning at 4:00 P.M. We will meet at the church and Kalen Graves will drive us on the church bus to the following locations for our meal: appetizers at the home of Suzan & Ben Graves; dinner at the home of Susan & Cooper Lewis; and dessert at the home of Angela Waldrup. We will return to the church around 6:00 P.M. (or shortly thereafter). Make plans to attend this fun event!

Worship Leaders 9/24/06

  • Nursery – Jana Burnham, Allyson Morrow
  • Wee Worship – Colleen Clark, Brad Clark
  • 8:30 A.M. Usher – Al Welshans
  • 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Chris Ware, Matthew Herron, Nicole Risner, Bailey Holland
  • Greeters – Susan Lewis, Cooper Lewis, Dennis Lightsey, Kenneth Brasell
  • Acolytes – Jackson Burnham, Russ Lewis

Youth Sunday 9/24/06

  • Presbyterian Youth Fellowship will lead worship at both worship services on Sunday, September 24th. Plan to come to worship on Youth Sunday.

Welcome Visitors

We welcome these who visited in our church on Sunday, September 17th:

  • Janie Brasell, Allie Dungan, Jean Robison, Hank Robison, Cohen Swain, Amanda Lamb.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Fall Picnic 10/15/06

  • The Fall Church Picnic will be held on Sunday, October 15th, at 5:00 P.M. in the back yard of the Whitten House.

Church Pictorial Directory

  • All church members please mark your calendar for October 4th & 5th, Wednesday & Thursday, from 3:00-9:30 P.M. Plan to have your photo taken at the church by Olan Mills Photography for our church pictorial directory.

Mary-Martha Book Study

  • The Night Circle, or Mary-Martha Book Study, met on Tuesday, September 5th, at the Whitten House for the first time. The group decided that it would meet the first Tuesday of every month from 6:00-7:30 P.M. so if you didn’t make it this time, please join us next time. The notes from the first meeting are posted here, and books are available at or can be ordered through Promises and Praise ($13.99 + tax). Contact Janey Ginn for more information at or 662-934-8821.

Youth Sunday 9/24/06

  • Presbyterian Youth Fellowship will lead worship at both worship services on Sunday, September 24th. Plan to come to worship on Youth Sunday.

Reception for Haley & Jay Williams

  • The congregation will honor Haley and Jay Williams, our retiring Youth Directors, with a reception during the church picnic on Sunday, October 15th

SNL 9/17/06

  • SNL participants will enjoy “Pizza & Pool Time” this Sunday, September 17th, at the home of Margaret Patton, 228 Westmoreland Circle. We will meet at her house at 4:30 P.M. and dismiss at 6:00 P.M. Cathryn McKee will be the lifeguard. See you there!

PYF 9/17/06

  • PYF will meet at the youth house this Sunday from 6:00-8:00 P.M. We will have Bible study and dinner from 6:00-7:00 P.M. and we will work on the Youth Sunday program from 7:00-8:00 P.M.

Worship Leaders 9/17/06

  • Nursery – Vicki Robison, Kim Renfroe
  • Wee Worship – Julie Appleton, Carole Murphey
  • 8:30 A.M. Usher – Ben Graves
  • 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Chris Ware, Matthew Herron, Debi Honnoll, Bill Mundroff
  • Greeters – Jenny Poole, Ray Poole, Debbie Robison, Bill Robison
  • Acolytes – Mary Lynn Lewis, Jennifer Burnham

Congregational Meeting

  • The Session has scheduled a congregational meeting during the 11:00 A.M. worship service on October 8, 2006, for the purpose of electing church officers.

Stewardship Report

  • The Stewardship Committee reports we are currently over $28,000 behind in giving versus expenses for the year. Thank you to all who give of their time and talent to the church.

Property Upgrades

  • New handrails have been placed in front of the choir loft in the sanctuary.
  • A broken stained glass window has been repaired in the narthex door and a leaking roof above the Recreation Room has recently been patched.
  • Thanks to Dunlap & Kyle for putting a lockable gas cap on the church van.
  • Kenneth Brasell installed concrete steps with handrails leading from the First Security Bank parking lot to our church parking lot. He also fixed the envelope holders in the pew racks.

Early Worship Time Shift

  • Beginning October 1st, the Early Worship Service will begin at 9:00 A.M. each Sunday and the service will be shortened to 30 minutes.

Welcome New Church Staff

  • Meg Woods will serve as Director of the Sunday Night Live program this year. Meg teaches Fourth Grade at Batesville Middle School. She and her family are members of the church.
  • Zach Hardy will serve as our Interim Part-Time Youth Director this year. Zach is a student at Northwest Community College. His parents live in Hernando where he was reared. Zach will be working with our Presbyterian Youth Fellowship.

Welcome Visitors

  • Laverne Greer, Jeana Greer, Frances Seale, Phillip Herron, Janet Herron, Vince Pool, Kathy Pool, David Russell, Alisa Russell, John Burford, Pam Burford.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Katrina Missions Update

Mrs. Linda Bates, Assistant to the Coordinator for Katrina Disaster Recovery in Mississippi Presbytery (228-604-2424), says they have a special immediate need for help in preparing the manse for the Handsboro Church since that congregation has just called their first installed pastor in seven years! The Orange Grove Church has also recently called a pastor, so there is a lot of excitement and lots of work for mission teams to do.

Linda can find work and room for teams as small as one person and as large as one hundred. The Mississippi Disaster Recovery Office which is coordinated by Dr. George and Mrs. Linda Bates is located at 1304 Pass Road, Gulfport 39507 (228-604-2424; Email:

The Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley Presbytery has posted online the updated Mississippi Presbytery Mission Handbook. The Mission Handbook has most of the information and FAQ’s any congregation or committee would need to consider, plan, and pursue a mission trip to help folks on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Remember, also, the St. Andrew Missions Committee commitment to “ordinarily pay Mississippi Presbytery’s suggested donation of $100 per person for supplies to assist, encourage, and support our congregations in sending mission teams to Mississippi Presbytery. Contact Exec/Treasurer Greg Goodwiller for application information.”

St. Andrew Missions Committee Moderator
Rev. Bill Connolly

Officer and Committee Meetings in September

  • The Deacons will meet on Monday night, September 11th, at 6:00 P.M. in the Session Room.
  • The Christian Education, Evangelism & Fellowship, and Membership & Congregational Care Committees will meet on Monday night, September 11th, at 6:30 P.M. at the church.
  • The Session will meet on Monday night, September 11th, at 7:00 P.M. in the Session Room.

Attention Presbyterian Women

  • Next week the Morning and Afternoon Circles will begin their monthly meetings. Remember all Presbyterian Women are members and are encouraged to participate. By joining together we can nurture our faith through fellowship, prayer, Bible study, and service.
  • Our Bible study for 2006-2007 is entitled In the Beginning ~ Perspectives on Genesis. In this study we will examine familiar stories, often in new ways, as well as stories that are less familiar. These lessons will allow us to consider different ways of seeing our own lives and to facilitate our journey of faith.
  • The Afternoon Circle will meet on Monday, September 11th, at 2:00 P.M. in the Rec Room at the church. The Morning Circle will meet on Tuesday, September 12th, at 9:30 A.M. in the home of Billie Garner, 105 Dabney Station. Perhaps the Night Circle is more convenient for you – watch for the announcement of the next gathering to read and discuss the book, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.

SNL Director

  • Mrs. Meg Woods will be the Sunday Night Live Director this year. All parents and children are invited to participate in this fun program which begins on September 10th.

SNL Kick-Off on Sept. 10

  • All parents and children of Kindergarten through 5th Grade are invited to the Recreation Room at 4:30 P.M. this Sunday, September 10th, for the Sunday Night Live “Kick-Off Sundae”featuring sign-ups and sundaes but not dinner.

PYF 9/10/06

  • PYF will meet at 6:00 P.M. this Sunday at the youth house. We will have Football Party Night “Eli vs. Peyton”. After Bible study, we will have food and fellowship while we watch the game which begins at 7:00 P.M. Plan to stay at least until halftime, if possible.

Worship Leaders 9/10/06

  • Nursery – Sally Nickle, Jana Burnham
  • Wee Worship – Julie Appleton, Suzan Graves
  • 8:30 A.M. Usher – Margaret Nix
  • 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Chris Ware, Matthew Herron, Teresa Myers, Taylor Riddick
  • Greeters – Missy Baker, Gaines Baker, Anabelle Paulk, Russell Paulk
  • Acolytes – Emily Appleton, Charley Ann Nix

Baptism This Sunday

  • Warren Andrew Herron II, son of Jackie and Matthew Herron, will be baptized during the 11:00 A.M. worship service this Sunday, September 10, 2006.

XYZ Bible Study

  • Dr. Jon Burnham has begun teaching the XYZ Bible Study each Wednesday at 11:00 A.M. in the Rec Room. All adults are invited to participate in this lectionary discussion group. Bring a sandwich if you want to stay for lunch after the study.

Church Pictorial Directory

  • All church members please mark your calendar for October 4th and 5th, Wednesday and Thursday, from 3:00 P.M. until 9:30 P.M. Plan to have your photo taken at the church by Olan Mills Photography for our church pictorial directory. Each family will receive one free 8” x 10” photo and may order other photos if you wish but there is no obligation to order anything. More details will follow as the date approaches. At this point, simply mark your calendar.

Prayer List

  • Louise Bagwell, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, Lucy Clark, Kathy Davidson, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Bobby Hays, Mike Kelly, Jr., J. T. Ketchum, Andy Kozain, Kay Long, Dr. Rupe Lovelace, Bebe Lyon, Carole Martin, Kayla Massey, Hazel McBride Allison McCord, Frances Meurrier, Erin Meyens, Erica Meyens, Jeff Nichols, Paulette Norman, Calvin Patton, Ralph Pitcock, Cindy Staten, Brandon Taylor, Mike Turner, Jonathan Ware, Johnny Walters.

Seeking Worship Liturgists

  • Pastor Jon Burnham seeks volunteers to read scripture, lead the children’s sermon and/or lead some parts of the liturgy such as the Call to Worship during the 11:00 A.M. worship service on some Sundays. Please speak to Jon or use the sign-up sheet in the hallway across from the pastor’s study.

College Student Addresses

  • Parents please call or email the church office with your college student’s mailing address and email address. Thanks!

Welcome Visitors

We welcome these who are recent visitors in our church:

Sunday, August 27th:

Connie G. Baker, Graves Baker, Louise

Boyles, Bill Boyles

Sunday, September 3rd:

Zach Hardy, Kyle Foshee, Lisa Brush,

Mary Ellen Wills, Ken Wills, Darin
