Thursday, November 15, 2007

Stewardship Dedication Sunday

Stewardship Dedication Sunday is this Sunday, November 18th. If you have not received a pledge card for 2008 by mail, there will be extras available on the table in the hall. Please prayerfully fill out your pledge card and bring it with you to the 11:00 worship service.

“…No one shall appear before the Lord empty-handed, but each of you with as much as he can give, in proportion to the blessings which the Lord, God has bestowed on you.” Deuteronomy 16:10, 16-17 .

Prayer List

Mary Boyd (Betty Davis’s sister), Nancy Spencer (shingles); the family of Gary George (nephew of Richard & Charlayne Lamb); Garrison Toole, Virginia Estes and the family of Maurice Estes (Carole Murphey’s father); David Douglas, Banks Brasell III, Whitney Brasell (daughter-in-law of Joyce and Banks Brasell), Gloria Westbrook, Caroline Brady (cancer), Ed Lamb (Richard Lamb's brother), Beverly McLauchlin (Larry Smith's cousin), Dot King, Mary Agnes Girner, Mario Bobo, Betty Carpenter, Jennifer McBride, Calvin Patton, Jr., Maleria Taylor, Lindsey Cannon, Adam Burkes (Iraq), Angela Perkins (Gail Corr's daughter), Peggie Robertson (Valerie Campbell's sister), Betty Darby Cole, Bobbie Jean Pounders, Bob Norris, Dudley Beall, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Olivia Fitch, the family of Bobby Jones, Donna Magee, Charles Tindall, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk (Dixie Gladney's sister), Tony Ray (Beverly Patton's brother), Georgia Seale, Buddy Young

John Monteith, Guest Speaker 11/25/07

John Monteith will speak during the 11:00 worship service on November 25th. His topic will be his recent mission work in Thailand. Don’t miss it!

PW Offering

There is still time to contribute to the annual Thank Offering. Just make your check payable to Batesville Presbyterian Women marked “Thank Offering” and drop it in the offering plate on Sunday, or mail it to the church office.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

PYF Update

PYF will meet this Sunday at 6:00 PM at the church. Pastor Karen will meet with the Jr. High’s, then meet with the Senior High’s. She is asking parents if they can be at the church at 7:00 PM to also meet with her.

We are trying to schedule PYF events through the winter, and it would be helpful to have everyone’s input. Please come and celebrate the future of PYF.

The position for a youth director is still open. We are advertising at several colleges in the area. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please encourage them to contact the church.

Operation Christmas Child Totals

The latest count for the shoebox ministry is 45. ‘Thank you’ to everyone who contributed to Operation Christmas Child.

XYZ Resumes Nov. 28th

The XYZ Bible Study will resume Wed., Nov. 28th at 11:00 AM. Bring your Bible, a sack lunch and a friend!

A Bountiful Feast

Thanks to all who helped with the Harvest Supper:
  • Matthew Herron & crew for setting up the tables and chairs
  • the deacons for taking down the tables and chairs
  • David Honnoll for doing his usual incredible job cooking the meat for us! (see pictures on bulletin board for proof!)
  • Debbie and Bill Robison for the bread
  • the PW Night Circle: Allison McCord, Molly Hawkins, Jana Brock, Terri Broome, Debi Honnoll, Michelle Mundroff, Debbie Robison, Carole Murphey, Susanne VanDyke
  • PYF members - John Hendren, Calvin Hawkins, Spencer VanDyke, Will Dickins, Jake Rogers, Daniel Lightsey and future PYF kid, Mitchell Mundroff for providing curbside pick-up service for the casseroles;
  • all the INCREDIBLE cooks in our church.

It was truly a bountiful feast!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Here's a Nice Idea

When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the following:

A Recovering American soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20307-5001

Share Our Bounty

Why have you brought us out of Egypt to bring us to this wretched place? It is no place for grain, or figs, or vines or pomegranates and there is no water to drink.” Numbers 20:5

The Hebrew people, once freed from slavery couldn’t help but remember the figs and grains from the old days. They wanted figs and freedom. Sometimes you can’t have both. God isn’t first in a life where figs are already occupying your thoughts.

A man in my church in Harmony, NJ decided to get his wife a new piano for Christmas. They offered their old one to the church. We were excited to have a good piano in the sanctuary. When the time came for the piano to be delivered, the church was the recipient of the new piano. The couple had decided that their old one would be fine for them, and the church needed “the best one.”

This couple wanted two things: beautiful music in their home and God to be first in their lives. They understood abundance and the fact that God’s grace was the source of their abundance.

We owe God our best, for God gave us the best. As you pray about your Stewardship pledge this next week, remember who provides for you. Let us Share our Bounty to Nourish the Fruits of the Spirit.

Pastor Karen

PW Evening Circle Reminders

The Evening Circle will meet this Sunday evening at 4:00 PM to make final preparations for the Harvest Supper.

Also, the Evening Circle meeting this month has been moved to Tuesday night, November 13th at 6:00 PM in the Session Room.

Mission Trip Fund Raiser

In order to raise money to sponsor Louise Powers on her annual mission trip to Africa, 6-8 pound, cooked turkey breasts will be sold through “prepaid orders only” for $20 each. The deadline for ordering is 4 PM on 11/15. Please order and pay for your turkey breast through the church office. Checks should be made payable to the First United Methodist Church.

You can pick up your turkey breast at the Methodist Church between the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM on Wed., November 21st.

Christian Sympathy

Our Christian sympathy is with Margaret Patton and her family in the death of her sister-in-law, Claudia Patton Pierie.

Our deepest sympathy is also extended to the family of Dr. John R. Lovelace who passed away on November 1st.

Mother's Day Out Opening

Mother’s Day Out has an immediate opening available for your child each Friday from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. You may contact Cindy Brown at 563-2829 for more information.

Food Pantry Shortage

The Batesville Food Pantry is experiencing a shortage of dry foods such as rice, dried beans, macaroni, oatmeal, and also bathroom tissue and paper towels. If you feel led to contribute to aid this shortage, you may bring your donated food to church this Sunday morning. If you have questions, you may contact Paulette Norman

SNL News

SNL will not meet this Sunday, 11/11, due to the Harvest Supper. On the following Sunday, 11/18, SNL will meet with "Miss" Suzie for Joy Gift practice from 4:30-5:30. No dinner will be served; be sure to note the time. We need everyone to be present if they are planning on participating in the Joy Gift Program. Also, Moms, we may need some extra helpers on the 18th.

Harvest Supper Nov. 11th

You are invited to the annual Harvest Supper on Sunday, November 11th at 5:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring your favorite covered dish.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

SNL Plans for Nov. 4th

SNL will meet this Sunday evening, 11/4, from 4:30 - 6:00 PM for dinner and a movie.

Thanks From Zach

Thanks to everyone at BPC for all of your help, encouragement, thoughts and prayers. You have all been so supportive throughout my time serving here as interim youth director. It has truly been a blessing getting to know all of you and to have been a part of your lives through this minister. It has also been a joyous opportunity working with such a great enthusiastic youth group. You have made my first experience working on staff in a church ministry a pleasant and memorable one, and for that, I cannot thank you enough. May God bless you and keep you all!

Love in Christ,
Zach Hardy