Thursday, April 26, 2007

Vacation Bible School June 11-15

Lift Off!

Mark your calendar for Vacation Bible School on June 11-15. Debi Honnoll and Teresa Brassell are the co-directors this year. The theme this year is Lift Off!

Our children will begin each day at “Lift Off! Rally,” an assembly time featuring Skylar the Sky Squirrel and Scoop, a reporter from the Hot Air Ballyhoo. They will start each session by providing information to set the stage for the day’s highflying Bible experience. Children will also sing amazing Lift Off! tunes and perhaps visit via video Dr. B. A. Loon in his skyology laboratory.

After Lift Off! Rally, each Sky Crew will visit several different locations to interact with the Bible stories and their teachings. At High Fly Bible Time, our Sky Scouts will go on a Bible story exploration, meeting Bible people who experienced reaching new heights with God and a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Prayer is an important component of this curriculum. Our children will see how the Bible characters were always talking and listening to God and Jesus. Our children will learn Power Prayers from the Psalms. These verses are quick sentence prayers that your Sky Scouts will be able to use in their daily lives.

The curriculum emphasizes sharing prayer requests and teaching children to remember to pray for other people. Each day at the end of their High Fly Bible Time, our children will attach a prayer request to a Power Prayer Hot Air Balloon figurine. At the end of the day, we will send everyone home with a Power Prayer Hot Air Balloon that has someone else’s prayer request attached to it. Th e children will leave with the Scripture and with the responsibility to pray for someone else’s concern . This opportunity teaches the children the discipline and the power of prayer in their lives.

The crafts in Pilot Projects, the recreation activities at Rip Line Rec, the music at Sky Songs, and the snacks at Cloud Café all reinforce the daily Bible stories and Flight Plans. The Cloud Café, where the motto is “Serve and Be Served,” plays an additional role this year as the center of the mission project. In the spirit of Session Five’s Flight Plan, “I Will Serve,” children can bring in school supplies for donation to local schools and shelters.

New this year is an opportunity to use science activities to reinforce the day’s Flight Plan. At the Launch Lab, kids participate in hands-on demonstrations that lead to important discoveries about their faith.

Each session ends with Reflection Time, a chance for Sky Crew Captains to pull together the whole day’s experiences. After this meaningful discussion, everyone will head back to Lift Off! Rally for the closing assembly. Are you ready to soar? Mark your calendar for VBS on June 11-15 from 9:00 A.M. until Noon at Batesville Presbyterian Church!

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