Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Food Pantry Volunteers

  • January is our church's month to provide volunteers to bag groceries or screen recipients for the Food Pantry. We need three volunteers to report for duty on Tuesday, January 16, 23 and 30 at 9:00 A.M. at the church to screen people or at the Food Pantry to bag groceries. The Food Pantry will not be open on January 2 and 9.

Seeking a Church Secretary

Read the job description below.

We are looking for somone with excellent people skills

and computer ability.

We are offering a minimum salary of $16,000
plus health insurance for the church secretary.

The office hours have been Monday through Friday from
8:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M. with an hour off for lunch.

We offer holidays and some personal days off
plus two weeks vacation after one year of employment.


If you wish to be considered for this position

Email your resume to Dr. Jon Burnham


or you may mail your resume to:

Batesville Presbyterian Church

c/o Church Secretary Search

121 Eureka Street

Batesville, MS 38606


Job Description of the Church Secretary

Batesville Presbyterian Church

December 2006

The church secretary performs secretarial and other related administrative duties as follows:

a. Pastor

(1) Make appointments as needed.

(2) Help pastor keep prayer list updated.

(3) Schedule weddings and secure information: coordinate arrangements between bride/family, the church, florist, caterer, etc.

(4) Prepare Wedding and Baptism Certificates.

(5) Keep updated wedding and baptism brochures.

(6) Do typing for committees on which pastor serves (outside BPC).

b. Church

(1) Maintain church activity calendar, also schedule activities for groups outside

the church (as building and programs permit, subject to approval from


(2) Maintain and reproduce Church Directory and annually print, assemble and

mail to congregation.

(3) Type Presbyterian Women Yearbook annually and reproduce.

(4) Type weekly bulletin, print, assemble and place in sanctuary.

(5) Change paraments at proper time.

(6) Order flowers for Sunday worship (when funds are available).

(7) Type mid-week newsletter, print, address and mail.

(8) Prepare, print and mail monthly calendar.

c. Session

(1) Notify Session and Committees of meetings.

(2) Type and reproduce agendas, minutes, committees, vital statistics, etc. for


(3) Secure New Member information and write for church letters.

(4) Maintain official Church Register (record new members, dismissals, baptisms,

weddings, deaths, transfers, etc.)

(5) Maintain up-to-date address of local and out-of-town membership.

(6) Work with the Clerk of Session to prepare the Annual Statistical Report.

(7) Record minutes in minute book.

d. Membership Committee

(1) Check attendance sheets and keep a record of worship attendance for each

member in the Power Church Plus software.

(2) Make a list of visitors for Pastor and Membership Chairperson.

(3) Maintain attendance pads, pencils in sanctuary.

(4) Relay prayer concerns to Membership Committee Chairperson/Pastor/Prayer


Job description of the Church Secretary, December 2006

e. Christian Education duties are performed under the direction of the Interim Program

Coordinator or the Pastor:

(1) Perform secretarial duties related to Christian Education as needed by the

Interim Programs Director.

(2) Maintain some files for the CE program.

(3) Prepare mail-outs for CE events and church school classes.

(4) Maintain names and addresses for the Church School rolls (Nursery-Sr. High).

(5) Prepare mail-outs and keep records on Youth activities and programs.

f. Financial duties performed under the direction of the Church Treasurer:

(1) Acknowledge all Memorial gifts and place them into designated or

undesignated accounts.

(2) Assist as needed the Counting Committee, to count all church income on

Monday morning, record all individual gifts, balance the summary sheet, and

deposit at the bank.

g. Stewardship Committee:

(1) Work with the Stewardship Committee in the annual Stewardship emphasis.

(2) Assemble committee budget requests submitted through the Stewardship

Committee into the Proposed Budget.

(3) Work with the Stewardship Committee in the Stewardship Drive, including

calling, recording and confirming pledges, the assignment of church

envelopes and mailings related to the Campaign.

h. Property Committee:

(1) Keep committee up-to-date on service contracts, property insurance, and

needed repairs and services. Keep records of property purchases for

presentation at Property Committee meetings.

i. Deacons:

(1) Type and duplicate minutes and other materials for Deacons.

(2) Send Board members notification of monthly meetings.

j. Miscellaneous:

(1) Order office supplies.

(2) Talk with sales representatives who drop by office.

(3) Run errands and do varied purchasing for the church.

(4) Service pew racks as needed.

(5) Prepare/mail monthly calendars; usher, acolyte, greeter schedules.

(6) Inform Synod (annually), of address changes of our membership.

(7) Do various typing as necessary for Presbyterian Women & Music Program.

(8) Assist all new staff when needed in getting settled.

(9) Order janitorial supplies.

(10) Type and mail out minutes and other documents from miscellaneous

Presbytery committees chaired by DCE.

(11) Perform other duties and respond as necessary or as requested by supervisor.

Monday, December 25, 2006

January 7, 2007

Service of Ordination

& Installation

Sunday, January 7

  • Laurie Monteith and Adam Pittman will be ordained and installed as elders; and Forrest Clark, Jason Herron, and Bailey Holland will be ordained and installed as Deacons during the 11:00 A.M. worship service on Sunday, January 7, 2007.

Stewardship Update

  • As of now we have received pledges for $237,026 for 2007. Last year we completed our stewardship drive with pledges of $225,000.
  • December is normally the church's biggest month for receipts and we certainly hope that is true again this year.

New College Class

  • Jay Williams will teach a church school class for college students on Sunday mornings from 10:00 - 10:30 A.M. in the church library. The class begins on December 24. College students, come and join us when you are in town.

Prayer List

  • James Ed Waldrup, Dianne Lightsey, Bob Norris, Josh Patton, Wayne Darby, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, J. J. Benfur, Bubba Bryan, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Sandra Davenport, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Sybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Donna Magee, Mike Kelly, Jr., Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Tony Ray, Bill Robison, Georgia Seale, Cindy Staten, Johnny Walters
  • Call the church office to add or remove people from the prayer list.

Church Officers Jan 15

  • The Deacons will meet at 6:00 P.M. and the Elders will meet at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, January 15, 2007. This will be our first meetings of the new year.

Worship Leaders Dec. 31

  • Nursery – Jana & Jennifer Burnham
  • Wee Worship – Brad & Colleen Clark
  • 9:00 A.M. Usher - William Cole
  • 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Terri Broome, Nicole Risner, Kevin Henry, Debi Honnoll
  • 11:00 A.M. Greeters – Teresa Brasell, Anabelle Paulk, Russell Paulk, Chris Ware
  • 11:00 A.M. Acolytes – Mary Lynn Lewis & Charlie Ann Nix

tapestry 2007

A Leadership Training Event

for the people of the Presbytery of St. Andrew

Friday and Saturday

January 26 & 27, 2007

First Presbyterian Church

Cleveland, Mississippi

Weaving with devotion our talents, strengths,

ideas and skills for the glory of God

Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Worship Schedule

Christmas Eve

6:00 P.M. Communion Service

Christmas Day

10: A.M. Family Service

Children Sing Dec. 24

  • Due to a power outage during our Joy Gift program on December 10, we would like to invite the children to sing for us in the Christmas Eve morning worship service, complete with Joy Gift costume!
  • The Cherub Choir will sing Jingle Bells and Sweetly Chime.
  • Mitchell Mundroff will sing The Little Drummer Boy for the anthem joined by all the little drummer boys from Joy Gift.
  • The Girlchoir will sing The Friendly Beasts and the Sunday Night Live choir will dress as the manger animals.
  • All children will sing Go Tell It On The Mountain.
  • Parents, bring your children in costume to the 11:00 A.M. service on Dec. 24!

Stewardship Update

  • As of now we have received pledges for $237,026 for 2007. Last year we completed our stewardship drive with pledges of $225,000.
  • Thank you to all who pledged to the church on Stewardship Dedication Sunday. Additional pledge cards are available on the table in the hallway and inside the worship bulletin.
  • December is normally the church's biggest month for receipts and we certainly hope that is true again this year.

New College Class

  • Jay Williams will teach a church school class for college students on Sunday mornings from 10:00 - 10:30 A.M. in the church library. The class begins on December 24. College students, come and join us when you are in town.


  • The remaining Christmas Poinsettias may be taken home after worship this Sunday by those who provided them.

Worship Leaders Dec. 24

  • Nursery – Missy & Sarah Ashton Baker
  • Wee Worship – Suzan Graves, Meg Woods
  • 9:00 A.M. Usher - William Cole
  • 9:00 A.M. Advent Candle Lighters - Buddy Gray Family
  • 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Terri Broome, Nicole Risner, Kenny Hopper, Tommy Brooks
  • 11:00 A.M. Greeters – Haley Williams, Jay Williams, Ira Gail White, Hal Herron
  • 11:00 A.M. Acolytes – Jennifer Burnham & Jackson Burnham
  • 11:00 A.M. Advent Candlelighter – Dr. Johnny Spencer Family
  • Christmas Eve Communion Candlelighters - Richard Lamb Family

Worship Leaders Dec. 25

  • Christmas Day Advent Candlighters - Kenny Hopper Family
  • Children's Time - Candy Hopper

Prayer List

  • Josh Patton, Wayne Darby, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, J. J. Benfur, Bubba Bryan, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Sandra Davenport, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Sybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Donna Magee, Mike Kelly, Jr., Jay McCaslin, Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Tony Ray, Bill Robison, Georgia Seale, Cindy Staten, Johnny Walters
  • Call the church office to add or remove people from the prayer list.

Christian Sympathy

Our Christian sympathy is with the family of our custodian, Freddie Bibbs, upon the death of her husband, Willie Bibbs, of the Sand Springs community.

Additional Poinsettias Memorials & Honorariums

The following poinsettias memorials and honorariums were given on December 10 and should have been listed in last week's worship bulletin.

  • In memory of Corporal Michael Brandon Presley from the family of Rusty Woods.
  • In memory of Nell Randolph and J.R. Lewis by the family of Cooper Lewis.
  • In memory of J.T. & Maggie Ketchum from the family of Wallace Henry.
  • In memory of T.J. and Grace Henry from the faimly of Kevin Henry.
  • In memory of Willie Lamb from the family of Larry Henry.
  • In memory of Richard & Doris Phillips from the family of Don Kilgore.
  • In memory of Rayna Phillips Hill from the family of Don Kilgore.
  • In honor of her parents, Ervin and Gloria Strauss from Linda Taylor
  • In memory of Dr. & Mrs. Jack Russel from the family of George Carlson.
  • In memory of Dr. and Mrs. George Carlson from the family of George Carlson.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Stewardship Update

As of now we have received pledges for $237,026 for 2007. Last year we completed our stewardship drive with pledges of $225,000.

Thank you to all who pledged to the church on Stewardship Dedication Sunday. Additional pledge cards are available on the table in the hallway and inside the worship bulletin.

December is normally the church's biggest month for receipts and we certainly hope that is true again this year.

December Graduations

  • Congratulations to Ginnie Monteith, daughter of Laurie and Dick Monteith, who has graduated from Mississippi State University this month with a major in Nutrition and a minor in Biology. Ginnie is inquiring into further education toward becoming an optometrist.
  • Congratulations to Carly Ginn, daughter of Janie Ginn, who has graduated from Ole Miss with a major in Psychology and a minor in English and plans to move to Jackson in January.
  • Please notify the church office if you know of other December graduates we should mention in the newsletter.

Children Sing Dec. 24

Due to a power outage during our Joy Gift program on December 10, we would like to invite the children to sing for us in the Christmas Eve morning worship service, complete with Joy Gift costume!

The Cherub Choir will sing Jingle Bells and Sweetly Chime.

Mitchell Mundroff will sing The Little Drummer Boy for the anthem joined by all the little drummer boys from Joy Gift.

The Girlchoir will sing The Friendly Beasts and the Sunday Night Live choir will dress as the manger animals.

All children will sing Go Tell It On The Mountain.

Parents, bring your children in costume to the 11:00 A.M. service on Dec. 24!

Lost & Found

Michelle Toliver, who lives next door to the Whitten House, has lost her cat as of last Sunday night after the Joy Gift Program. If anyone took home a black and white kitten thinking it was a stray, please call Michelle at 934-2493.

There are two pair of glasses and one pair of sunglasses in a box in the workroom across from the secretary's office. If you have lost a pair of glasses, you may want to look in that box.

Christian Sympathy

Our Christian sympathy is with the family of Ann Cloud and Celeste Monteith upon the death of their brother, Kenneth Parker, a WWII veteran, who lived in Germantown, Tennessee. He was buried in Memphis with military honors on Tuesday, December 12, 2006.

Worship Leaders Dec. 17

Nursery – Jana Brock, Cathryn Patton

Wee Worship – Suzan Graves, Meg Woods

11:00 A.M. Ushers – Terri Broome, Nicole Risner, Trey Poole, Will Poole

11:00 A.M. Greeters – Billie Garner, Jenny Poole, Ray Poole, Claire Sanders

11:00 A.M. Acolytes – Charley Ann Nix, Canice Nickle

11:00 A.M. Advent Candlelighter – Jay Williams Family

Christmas Poinsettias

The Christmas Poinsettias will be in the sanctuary on December 17 and those who ordered them may take them home after the Christmas Cantata this Sunday.

PW Thank Offering

Presbyterian Women, please turn in your offering by Sunday, December 17, to contribute to the Thank Offering.

Prayer List

Wayne Dowdy, Josh Patton, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, J. J. Benfur, Bubba Bryan, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Sandra Davenport, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Sybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Donna Magee, Mike Kelly, Jr., Jay McCaslin, Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Tony Ray, Bill Robison, Georgia Seale, Cindy Staten, Johnny Walters

Call the church office to add or remove people from the prayer list.

Prayer List

Wayne Dowdy, Josh Patton, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, J. J. Benfur, Bubba Bryan, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Sandra Davenport, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Sybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Donna Magee, Mike Kelly, Jr., Jay McCaslin, Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Tony Ray, Bill Robison, Georgia Seale, Cindy Staten, Johnny Walters

Call the church office to add or remove people from the prayer list.

Suggested Xyz Trips

The Xyz group is considering upcoming trips in the new year. Here are some suggestions. If you have other suggestions please call Paullette Norman at 563-2263.

Museum in Tunica

Museums on Ole Miss campus

Museums on MSU campus

Peter's Pottery in Mound Bayou

Lunch at Culinary Arts School at Ole Miss

Tour of Viking Facility in Greenwood

Matinee movie in Oxford

National Park in Vicksburg (overnight)

Various Memphis museums

Strawberry Patch (Hummingbirds)

Lunch at "madidi" in Clarksale (Morgan Freeman's restaurant)

Lenten Service in Memphis

Riverboat cruise in Tunica in the Spring

Holly Springs Pilgrimage

Natchez Pilgrimage (overnight)

Handbell & Choir Party

The Adult Choir and Adult Handbell Group will have a Christmas party on Wednesday, December 20th, at 6:30 P.M. in the home of Michelle and Bill Mundroff. Bring your favorite Christmas dish and come enjoy a festive time of fellowship and good food!

PYF Christmas Party

Nicole Risner will host the PYF Christmas Party at 6:00 P.M. on Sunday, December 17 at 306 Dettor Street. All youth in Grades 6-12 are welcome.

Angel Tree Due Dec. 17

Gifts for the Angel Tree Project are due on December 17 in the church library which is next door to the secretary's office. Thank you to all who are participating in this project.

Thanks Retiring Officers

Our gratitude is extended to David Honnoll and Bill Robison who are retiring this month from the Session. David and Bill have now served 6 consecutive years on the Session after having served 6 consecutive on the Diaconate. Thank them for their service!

We also appreciate Adam Pittman, Nicole Risner and Jay Williams who are rotating off the Diaconate this month.

Christian Sympathy

Our Christian sympathy is with the family of our custodian, Freddie Bibbs, upon the death of her husband, Willie Bibbs, of the Sand Springs community.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Joy Gift Program

Sunday, December 10th

5:00 P.M.

BPC Sanctuary

~Cherub Choir~

Meets from 9:45-10:00 A.M. Sunday. Girls will wear angel costumes (halo, wings, all white). They can wear a white dress or white shirt & pants.

Boys will dress as little drummer boys complete with drum. Dress them in brown, khakis, cream, or gray. They will all need a drum.

~K-2 Choir~

Alden, Sulli – dress as doves; Ann Elizabeth, Caroline, Mary Catherine – dress as sheep; Russ, Mason, Nathan – dress as camels; Jackson Lee, Will – dress as cows; Wyatt, Harris, Graves – dress as donkeys.

~Grades K-5~

Girl Choir (grades 3-6) will sing “The Friendly Beasts”, “Adeste Fideles” and “Silent Night.” Dress: (a classic, traditional appearance) wear a nice “Sunday dress” or Christmas dress.

Mitchell Mundroff will sing “The Little Drummer Boy” dressed as a drummer boy.

Suggested XYZ Trips

The XYZ group is considering upcoming trips in the new year. Here are some suggestions. If you have other suggestions, please call Paulette Norman at 563-2263.

  • Museum in Tunica
  • Museums on Ole Miss campus
  • Museums on MSU campus
  • Peter’s Pottery in Mound Bayou
  • Lunch at Culinary Arts School at Ole Miss
  • Tour of Viking Facility in Greenwood
  • Matinee movie in Oxford
  • National Park in Vicksburg (overnight trip)
  • Various Memphis museums
  • Strawberry Patch (Hummingbirds)
  • Lunch at “madidi” in Clarksdale (Morgan Freeman’s restaurant)
  • Lenten Service in Memphis
  • Riverboat cruise in Tunica in the Spring
  • Holly Springs Pilgrimage
  • Natchez Pilgrimage (overnight trip)
  • Painting pottery classes in Como & Oxford

Stewardship Update

  • 80 pledges have been turned in with a total of $232,826 pledged to date. Pledge cards are available on the table in the church office hallway.

PW Thank Offering

  • If you would like to contribute to the Thank Offering this year please turn in your offering by Sunday, December 17th. Thanks!

Handbell & Adult Choir Christmas Party 12/20/06

  • The Adult Choir and Adult Handbell Group will have a Christmas party on Wednesday, December 20th, at 6:30 P.M. in the home of Michelle and Bill Mundroff. Bring your favorite Christmas dish and come enjoy a festive time of fellowship and good food!

Christmas Cantata 12/17/06

  • The Adult Choir and members of the Memphis Symphony Orchestra will present a Christmas Cantata on Sunday, December 17th, at the 11:00 A.M. worship service.

Christmas Poinsettias

  • The deadline to order a poinsettia is Tuesday, December 12th. Please turn your form in to the church office as soon as possible.

Glasses Lost & Found

  • There are two pair of glasses and one pair of sunglasses in a box in the workroom across from the secretary’s office. If you have lost a pair of glasses, you may want to look in that box.

Church Pictorial Directory Update

  • Thanks to Candy and Kenny Hopper for giving the church a new laptop computer. Margaret Buntin will use the laptop to design our church directory.

Officer & Committee Meetings in December

  • The Deacons will meet at 6:00 P.M. on Monday, December 11th, in the Session Room.
  • The Christian Education, Evangelism & Fellowship, and Membership & Congregational Care Committees will meet at 6:30 P.M. on Monday, December 11th, at the church.
  • The Session will meet at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, December 11th, in the Session Room.

PW Joint Meeting 12/11/06

  • The PW Morning and Afternoon Circles will meet on Monday, December 11th, at 2:00 P.M. in the Rec Room.

Reception for Marilyn Elliott 12/10/06

  • You are cordially invited to a farewell reception in honor of Mrs. Marilyn Elliott on Sunday, December 10th, at 10:30 A.M. in the Rec Room. Marilyn has served us well as church secretary for the past five years and now she will be leaving us to begin serving as Church Secretary and Financial Secretary of First Baptist Church in Greenwood. Join us for this reception for Marilyn as we celebrate her service to the church and her ministry here.

Joy Offering 12/10/06

  • The Christmas Joy Offering will be received on Sunday, December 10th, during both morning worship services and at the Joy Gift Program that evening.

Worship Leaders 12/10/06

  • Nursery – Pat Hendren, Linda Taylor
  • Wee Worship – Sara Helen & Chris Ware
  • 9:00 A.M. Usher – William Cole
  • 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Terri Broome, Nicole Risner, Taylor Riddick, Bill Mundroff
  • 11:00 A.M. Greeters – Mandy Henry, Kevin Henry, Debi Honnoll, Paulette Norman
  • 11:00 A.M. Liturgist – Mona Pittman
  • 11:00 A.M. Acolytes – Charley Ann Nix, Canice Nickle
  • 9:00 A.M. Advent Candlelighter – Roy Girner Family
  • 11:00 A.M. Advent Candlelighter – Teddy Morrow Family

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Stewardship Update

  • Thank you to all who have pledged. As of now, we have 67 pledges for $195,046.00. There is still time if you have not made your pledge! Pledge cards are on the table in the hallway and will be available as bulletin inserts on Sundays.

Joy Offering 12/10/06

  • The Christmas Joy Offering will be received on Sunday, December 10th, during both morning worship services and at the Joy Gift Program that evening.

Christmas Poinsettias

  • Deadline to order a poinsettia is Tuesday, December 12th. Please turn your form in to the church office as soon as possible. Thanks!

Angel Tree

  • Are you looking for a way to help those less fortunate? Our church has adopted 2 families for our annual Angel Tree project. The tree is set up in the recreation room. Select an ornament from the tree and purchase what is written on the back of the ornament. There will be a sign-up sheet on the table beside the tree for you to sign your name beside the item you will be purchasing. This way we won’t duplicate gifts. Feel free to donate as many gifts as you are able. Let us remember that it is more blessed to give than to receive. What a wonderful way for our children to learn the spirit of Christmas!

Christmas Parade Float

  • This year we are happy to announce that our church will have a float in the Christmas parade on Tuesday night, Dec. 5th. Any age child is encouraged to participate. Girls can dress as “Marys,” angels, or stable animals. Boys can dress as drummer boys, shepherds, wise men, or stable animals. Don’t spend a lot of money on these outfits. Just use what you have at home: bathrobes and towels make great shepherds. Afterwards, parade participants can visit with Santa back at the Lion’s club. Meet at the Panolian at 6:00 P.M. to catch a ride on the float.

PW CT Meeting 12/4/06

  • The PW Coordinating Team will meet at 9:00 A.M. on Monday, December 4th, in the Session Room.

Joyful Jammers 12/3/06

  • The Dulcimer Joyful Jammers, featuring our own Dianne Lightsey, will play during the 11:00 A.M. worship service this Sunday, December 3rd. Linda Allison, mother of Suzan Graves, is also a member of this group.

Lord’s Supper 12/3/06

  • The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated during both worship services this Sunday, December 3rd, which is the first Sunday of Advent.

SNL 12/3/06

  • SNL participants will meet on Sunday, December 3rd, 4:30-6:00 P.M. for Joy Gift Program practice. Parents, please encourage your children to attend this important practice.

PYF 12/3/06

  • PYF will meet on Sunday, December 3rd at the youth house. Grades 9-12 will meet from 6:00-7:00 P.M.; dinner for Grades 6-12 will be served from 7:00-7:30 P.M.; and Grades 6-8 will meet from 7:30-8:00 P.M.

Worship Leaders 12/3/06

  • Nursery – Beverly Patton, Jackie Herron
  • Wee Worship – Collen & Brad Clark
  • 9:00 A.M. Advent Candlelighters – Gaines Baker Family
  • 9:00 A.M. Usher – William Cole
  • 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Terri Broome, Nicole Risner, Howard Hawkins, Kenneth Brasell
  • 11:00 A.M. Greeters – Nancy Spencer, Johnny Spencer, Anabelle Paulk, Russel Paulk
  • 11:00 A.M. Liturgist – Molly Hawkins
  • 11:00 A.M. Advent Candlelighters – David Vance Family

Letter of Resignation from Church Secretary, Marilyn Elliott

November 21, 2006

To: Jon, Members of the Session, and Batesville Presbyterian Congregation,

This is perhaps one of the hardest letters I have ever written because it is to inform you of my decision to resign as Secretary of Batesville Presbyterian Church effective Friday, December 8, 2006.

While recuperating at home last week from surgery, I received a phone call asking me to consider applying for a job at First Baptist Church in Greenwood. I met with the Personnel Committee and Pastor on Monday of this week and I have decided to accept the position of Pastor’s Secretary/Financial Secretary.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my work here and I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with all of you. Thank you for the support, guidance, and encouragement you have provided me during my time at Batesville Presbyterian Church. I have made so many friends and I have come to love all of you. I can truthfully say that my leaving feels as though I am leaving family. And that is a good thing! You have been a blessing to me and my family. I pray that I have served this congregation and our Lord Jesus in a pleasing and honorable way.

So, while I look forward to this new challenge that has come my way, I will miss all of you very much. Please remember me in your prayers as I begin to serve the Lord in His work at First Baptist Church in Greenwood.

Thanks again for every good and kind thing you have done for me, but thanks most of all for the friendships I have made and the memories I will take with me!

In Christian love,

Marilyn Elliott

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Christmas-Epiphany Mystery

There are three words that begin with the letter L which have a particular meaning within the worship life of a congregation: Liturgy, Lectionary and Liturgical Year. Let us consider each of these words which are holy in the sense they have a distinct meaning within the worship life of the Christian church.

Each Sunday we gather to worship God and the service we perform is called the liturgy – the work of the people. Liturgy is an old Latin word that literally means the work of the people. The work of the people in the liturgy includes prayers we pray, scriptures we read, hymns we sing, the Word of God we hear in the sermon, our response to the Word by our confession of faith and the offerings we give and finally we respond to the Word by going out to serve God in the world. Someone once said, “When worship ends the service begins!” There is a sense in which that is true. It is also true what we do during the worship service in the liturgy – the work of the people – is also in service to God.

We order our worship liturgy in accordance with the liturgical year. The liturgical year is supported by lectionary readings which are a series of scripture readings from the Old Testament and New Testament that repeat on a three year cycle. The Sunday lectionary readings and the lectionary year reenact the life of Jesus Christ from birth to baptism to temptation to teachings to healings to betrayal to crucifixion to resurrection to ascension into heaven. The liturgical year, like the lectionary readings, follows a three year cycle called Year A, Year B, and Year C. This year we will complete Year B as we celebrate Christ the King Sunday on November 26, 2006. Year C then begins with a celebration of The Lord’s Supper on the First Sunday of Advent on December 3, 2006.

Let’s take a sneak preview of the path ahead during December and January when we will celebrate Advent, Christmas and Epiphany. Father Thomas Keating, on pages 14-15 of his book The Mystery of Christ: The Liturgy as Spiritual Experience, provides the following summary of the teaching of the liturgy in the Christmas-Epiphany Mystery:

1. Human nature is united to the Eternal Word, the Son of God, in the womb of the Virgin Mary: Advent.

2. The Eternal Word appears in human form as the light of the world: Christmas.

3. Christ manifests his divinity through his humanity: Epiphany.

4. By his baptism in the Jordan, Christ purifies the church, the extension of his body in time, and sanctifies the waters of baptism: Epiphany and the Sunday following.

5. Christ takes his people to himself in spiritual marriage, transforming them into himself: Epiphany and the second Sunday following.

6. We are taught the practical consequences of being members of Christ’s mystical body: the Second Reading for the Sundays in Ordinary Time following Epiphany.

Ponder these themes and witness how they are made manifest in the liturgy of our worship services during December and January.

As we start a new liturgical year, the beginning of Year C, may we grow into an ever deeper awareness of the mystery of Christ who is alive and active in our own lives, in this particular church, and in the church universal.


Jon B.

History of the Christmas Joy Offering

Presbyterians have long celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ by giving generously to an Advent offering. The Christmas Joy Offering dates back to the 1930s when the former Presbyterian Church in the United States (PSUC) began an offering to supplement inadequate retirement income and provide supplemental medical insurance for former ministers, missionaries, church workers, and their families. In the late 1940s that became the Joy Gift.

In the former United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (UPCUSA), a Christmas offering was first taken in 1960. Called the White Gift, its funds were used for general mission and world relief. In 1964 the name was changed to the Christmas Offering, and receipts provided support for health and welfare concerns related to children. The emphasis on global work with children continued until 1973, when the offering was used to assist former servants of the church who were living on inadequate pensions.

In 1974 minority education was added, and in 1979 nursing home care assistance was also included. Funds were distributed evenly between the Board of Pensions and minority education.

In 1988 the PCUS and the UPCUSA offerings were joined into one offering, the Christmas Offering Joy Gift. The General Assembly set a goal that neither the Board of Pensions nor the racial ethnic schools would suffer in the merger of the Joy Gift and the Christmas Offering. To accomplish that, the 1987 General Assembly originally set a distribution ratio of 65 percent to the Board of Pensions and 35 percent to the racial ethnic schools. It was several years before the General Assembly decided that the fairest way to achieve their goal was to divide the offering evenly.

In 1989 the offering was renamed the Christmas Joy Offering, and in 1991 the 203rd General Assembly changed the distribution of funds to 50 percent to the Board of Pensions and 50 percent to the Presbyterian racial ethnic schools and colleges.

The Christmas Joy Offering will be received on Sunday, December 10th, during both morning worship services and at the Joy Gift Program that evening.

Now is the Time to Give

* The end of the year is a time of reflection. It is a time to consider the promise of the future and the blessings of the past. It is also the perfect time to consider a charitable gift. The fruit of your generosity can make a difference in the life of your church. At the same time, you may enjoy tax advantages from the gifts given at year’s end. Being a good steward requires you to use your resources wisely. Year-end giving offers you the opportunity to do just that. The Presbyterian Church (USA) Foundation can assist you in establishing a life income gift.

Prayer List

* Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, J. J. Benfur, Bubba Bryan, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Sandra Davenport, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Cybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Mike Kelly, Jr., Jay McCaslin, Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Tony Ray, Bill Robison, Cindy Staten, Johnny Walters.

Stewardship Update

* Thank you to all who pledged to the church on Stewardship Dedication Sunday. Additional pledge cards are available on the table in the hallway and inside the worship bulletin. Remember the words of our Lord Jesus, “Give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

PYF 11/26/06

* PYF will not meet on Wednesday, November 22nd.
* PYF will meet on Sunday, November 26th at the youth house. Grades 8-12 will meet from 6:00-7:00 P.M.; dinner for Grades 6-12 will be served from 7:00-7:30 P.M.; and Grades 6-7 will meet from 7:30-7:45 P.M.

SNL 11/26/06

* SNL participants will meet on Sunday, November 26th, 4:30-6:00 P.M. We will practice for the Joy Gift Program and dinner will be served before we dismiss.

Worship Leaders 11/26/06

* Nursery – Kalen Graves, Nicole Risner
* Wee Worship – Connie Waldrup, Susan Hardy
* 9:00 A.M. Usher – Ben Graves
* 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Jay Williams, Terri Broome, Daniel Lightsey, Rob Maddux
* 11:00 A.M. Greeters – Susan Lewis, Cooper Lewis, Debi Honnoll, Paulette Norman
* 11:00 A.M. Liturgist – Billie Breedlove
* 11:00 A.M. Acolytes – Emma Pittman, Mary Lynn Lewis

Thank You

* Ms. Janey would like to thank Alden Graves, Mitchell Mundroff, Canice Nickle, Jennifer Burnham, Spencer VanDyke, and Whitten Graves for helping her get the Fellowship Hall ready for the Harvest Supper.
* The Presbyterian Women Night Circle would like to thank Matthew Herron and his crew for setting up the tables and chairs in the Fellowship Hall for the Harvest Supper and those Deacons and other sweet folks who stayed afterwards and tore it all down.
* Special thanks to Beckham McCord for blowing out each and every candle and for singing “Happy Birthday to You” to Ms. Sarah Dell and Ms. Janey.

Welcome Visitors

We welcome these who are recent visitors in our church:

Sunday, November 12th:

Will Fleming, Austin Smith, Kyle Foshee

Sunday, November 19th:

Sadie Smith, Sophie Smith, Leslie Stewart,

Justin Beard

Wedding Congratulations

Congratulations to Brooke Vance and Darin Maier who were married at the Vance’s home in Batesville on Saturday, November 18, 2006. The Maier’s will be at home in Ridgeland, Mississippi. The flowers in the sanctuary last Sunday were in honor of their wedding.

Monday, November 13, 2006

New Member photos

Jennifer Waldrup Colbert joins by transfer of letter from First Presbyterian Church in Cleveland. Her twin sons, Bryce and Britton, join as affiliate members. Jennifer was reared in our congregation and returned to Batesville this summer after coaching the girls basketball team at Kirk Academy in Grenada. Jennifer is employed as a pharmaceutical salesperson with Wraser Pharmaceuticals.

Leslie Banks Brasell, III joins by transfer of letter from First United Methodist Church in Batesville. Banks is a student in the 7th Grade at Batesville Jr. High School and his family has deep roots in our church.

Here is a photo of Graves Baker at Vacation Bible School. Connie Graves Baker and her son, Graves, join by transfer of letter from First United Methodist Church of Batesville. Connie is a Fourth Grade teacher at Batesville Middle School and her son, Graves, is in Second Grade at North Delta. Connie was reared in Batesville Presbyterian Church and is happy to return and rear her son in our congregation.

Stewardship Clip

Noah’s Ark

Scene 4

“Rainbow's Promise”

Noah and the animals spent many days inside the ark. When the flood was finally over, and the water disappeared, Noah and the animals got off the boat and stood on dry ground. They looked up and saw God's rainbow in the sky. The colors of the rainbow made Noah and the animals very happy. They smiled because they knew God loved them and would take care of them. Noah and the animals were blessed by God and so are we. Even today the rainbow is a sign of God's covenant to protect us and provide for our future. We are blessed to have the opportunity to work with God in providing for the future of our congregation. The Stewardship campaign is moving toward Stewardship Dedication Sunday on November 19 when we make our 2007 financial pledges to the church. The Bible says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Together, we have built a vision for our church and on November 19 we must make that vision a reality.

Stewardship Dedication Sunday, November 19th

* Pledge cards will be available as a bulletin insert this Sunday and for the next several weeks and will be mailed to each church member next week. Please prayerfully fill them out and be prepared to present them during worship services on Stewardship Dedication Sunday, November 19th.

Stewardship Dedication Sunday, November 19th

* Pledge cards will be available as a bulletin insert this Sunday and for the next several weeks and will be mailed to each church member next week. Please prayerfully fill them out and be prepared to present them during worship services on Stewardship Dedication Sunday, November 19th.

Prayer List

* Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, J.J. Benfur, Bubba Bryan, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Cybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Mike Kelly, Jr., Jay McCaslin, Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Tony Ray, Bill Robison, Cindy Staten, Johnny Walters.

Pottery Ministry Update

* The Whitten House will be open on the following dates in November for anyone to come and finish work on an unfinished pottery project:

*November 13th – 6:00-8:00 P.M.

*November 15th – 4:00-8:00 P.M.

*November 19th – 4:00-6:00 P.M.

Any old and unfinished pieces will be

thrown away at the end of November.

Parents – please accompany children under 16 – thanks!

* The Pottery Ministry will start afresh and anew in January – watch the newsletter for more details!

Harvest Supper photos

The Harvest Supper was a great success with over 100 people in attendance! Thanks to the Deacons and the PW Night Circle for producing the dinner and thanks to Michelle and Bill Mundroff for the slide show.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

BPC Harvest Supper

Program & Meal

Sunday, November 12th

5:00 P.M.

The Harvest Supper program starts at 5:00 P.M. in the sanctuary with dinner to follow. Please bring your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and place them on the steps in the sanctuary. Susanne VanDyke will lead in a brief dedication prayer for all the shoeboxes that have been collected for the Operation Christmas Child project. The program will be followed by a delicious meal in the Fellowship Hall. Bring food for yourself and others and come enjoy a fun feast and some good fellowship.

Stewardship Clip

Noah’s Ark

Scene 3

“We're all in this together”

Noah took two of each kind of animal onto the ark he had built and together they rode out the storm. When the flood came Noah and his family and the animals were safe inside the ark. Noah and the animals learned a lot about one another while they were cramped up together in that smelly ark. They learned the art of mutual forbearance. They learned to put up with one another and work out their problems by patient compromise. Noah’s Ark reminds us we are all in this together. When the floods of life assail us we support one another with prayers, cards and personal contact. As Noah captained the ark through the flood so we rely on the guidance of our older members, the Xyz group, to steer our congregation through the troubled waters. The Stewardship campaign is moving toward Stewardship Dedication Sunday on November 19th when we make our financial pledges to the church for 2007. Please be in prayer about how God would have you demonstrate your commitment to the church. Noah’s ark reminds us that we are all in this together.

Worship Leaders 11/12/06

  • Nursery – Margaret Nix, Vicki Robison
  • Wee Worship – Karen Cole, Mandy Henry
  • 9:00 A.M. Usher – Ben Graves
  • 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Jay Williams, Terri Broome, Kenny Hopper, Ira Gail White
  • 11:00 A.M. Greeters – Jenny Poole, Ray Poole, Haley Williams, Jay Williams
  • 11:00 A.M. Liturgist – Susanne VanDyke
  • 11:00 A.M. Acolytes – Canice Nickle, Emma Pittman

Welcome Visitors

We welcome these who are recent visitors in our church:

Sunday, October 22nd:

Frances Ashcraft, Graves Baker, Connie

Baker, Nick Roberson, Leslie Stewart,

Jayci Stewart

Sunday, October 29th:

Will Dickins, Cate Hitchcock, Sandra

White, Kyle Foshee

Sunday, November 5th:

Granville Sherman, Ada Harley, Greg

Sexton, Will Dickens, M. Finke, Austin

Smith, Seth Cook

PW Morning Circle 11/14

  • The PW Morning Circle will meet at 9:30 A.M. on Tuesday, November 14th, in the home of Bettye Carpenter, 208 Kyle St.

Pottery Ministry Update

  • The Whitten House will be open on the following dates in November for anyone to come and finish work on an unfinished pottery project:

    *November 13th – 6:00-8:00 P.M.

    *November 15th – 4:00-8:00 P.M.

    *November 19th – 4:00-6:00 P.M.

    Any old and unfinished pieces will be thrown away at the end of November.

    Parents – please accompany children under 16 – thanks!

  • The Pottery Ministry will start afresh and anew in January – watch the newsletter for more details!

Prayer List

  • Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, Bubba Bryan, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Cybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Mike Kelly, Jr., Jay McCaslin, Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Tony Ray, Bill Robison, Cindy Staten, Johnny Walters.

Stewardship Dedication Sunday, November 19th

  • Pledge cards will be available as a bulletin insert this Sunday and for the next several weeks and will be mailed to each church member next week. Please prayerfully fill them out and be prepared to present them during worship services on Stewardship Dedication Sunday, November 19th.

Advent Candlelighters

  • If you or your family would like to serve as Advent Candlelighters during the Advent Season this year, please list your name on the signup sheet located on the bulletin board across from Jon’s office. The following dates are available:

      December 3rd

      9:00 A.M. worship service

      11:00 A.M. worship service

      December 10th

      9:00 A.M. worship service

      December 17th

      11:00 A.M. worship service

      December 24th

      9:00 A.M. worship service

      11:00 A.M. worship service

      6:00 P.M. Candlelight Christmas Eve worship service

      December 25th

      10:00 A.M. Christmas Day informal service

Operation Christmas Child Needs our Support

  • Every church family is invited to fill at least one shoe box with toys, school supplies, candy and other gifts. These Christmas presents not only bring joy to precious boys and girls, they also open hearts to hear about God’s greatest gift – His Son, Jesus Christ. Please help share the Good News of God’s love.
  • Please bring your filled shoe box and place on the steps in the sanctuary by 5:00 P.M. this Sunday, November 12th. A brief prayer dedication service will be held prior to the Harvest Supper in the Fellowship Hall. Thanks so much for your help!

SNL & PYF 11/12/06

  • SNL and PYF will not meet this week due to the Harvest Supper.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Stewardship Clip

Noah’s Ark

Scene 2

“Build an Ark”

God told Noah a great flood was coming so Noah gathered resources and built an ark to ride out the storm. We are gathering resources for the flood of children in our church. Our church sanctuary is shaped like an upside down ark. This sanctuary is where we baptize our babies, confirm our youth, celebrate our graduations, bless our weddings, bury our dead, and worship our living God. Our sanctuary sustains us amidst the floods of life. As Noah brought the animals into the ark so we bring the unchurched into the ark of our sanctuary. Noah was a good steward and so are we. The Stewardship Campaign is moving toward Stewardship Dedication Sunday on Nov. 19th when we make our financial pledges to the church for 2007. Please be in prayer about how God would have you support the sanctuary that sustains us amidst the floods of life.

PYF Schedule

Beginning on Sunday, Nov. 12th, Grades 8-12 will meet at the Youth House from 6:00-7:00 P.M. and Grades 6-7 will meet at the Youth House from 7:00-8:00 P.M. Dinner for all will be served at 7:00 P.M.

Beginning on Wednesday, Nov. 1st, Grades 6-7 will have their Bible study once a month on the first Wednesday of the month and Grades 8-12 will have their Bible study in the Youth House each week.

PW Meetings in November

  • The PW Coordinating Team will meet on Nov. 6th, at 9:00 A.M. in the Session Room.
  • The PW Afternoon Circle will meet on Nov. 6th, at 2:00 P.M. in the Rec Room.
  • The PW Night Circle will meet on Nov. 7th, at 6:00 P.M. in the Whitten House.
  • The PW Morning Circle will meet on Nov. 14th, at 9:30 A.M. in the home of Betty Carpenter, 208 Kyle St.

PYF Haunted Hayride 11/5/06

Youth in grades 6-12 will meet at the church this Sunday at 5:30 P.M. to ride the church van to the home of Kalen & Bob Graves for a Hayride. Parents, please pick up your youth after the hayride at the church at 8:15 P.M.

SNL 11/5/06

SNL participants will enjoy a Hayride & Cookout at the Coles – 4:00 – 6:00 P.M. If you need a ride, meet at the church at 3:40 P.M.

Worship Leaders 11/5/06

  • Nursery – Ann Avery, Amanda lee
  • Wee Worship – Karen Cole, Mandy Henry
  • 9:00 A.M. Usher – Ben Graves
  • 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Jay Williams, Terri Broome, Johnny Spencer, Bill Mundroff
  • 11:00 A.M. Greeters – Jana Brock, Jeff Brock, Hunter Brock, Bryan Nickle
  • 11:00 A.M. Liturgist – Erik Broome
  • 11:00 A.M. Acoytes – Charley Ann Nix, Emily Appleton

All Saints Day 11/5/06

This Sunday, Nov. 5th, we will remember these church members who have died since our last All Saints Day: Marjorie Tidwell (1-6-06); and Carley Alexander (4-22-06). Please notify the pastor or church secretary if you know of other church members who have died since our last All Saints Day on Oct. 30, 2005.

Welcome New Members

We welcome these new members who will join our church on November 5, 2006:

*Connie Graves Baker and her son, Graves, join by transfer of letter from First United Methodist Church of Batesville. Connie is a Fourth Grade teacher at Batesville Middle School and her son, Graves, is in Second Grade at North Delta. Connie was reared in Batesville Presbyterian Church and is happy to return and rear her son in our congregation.

*Leslie Banks Brasell, III joins by transfer of letter from First United Methodist Church in Batesville. Banks is a student in the 7th Grade at Batesville Jr. High School and his family has deep roots in our church.

*Jennifer Waldrup Colbert joins by transfer of letter from First Presbyterian Church in Cleveland. Her twin sons, Bryce and Britton, join as affiliate members. Jennifer was reared in our congregation and returned to Batesville this summer after coaching the girls basketball team at Kirk Academy in Grenada. Jennifer is employed as a pharmaceutical salesperson with Wraser Pharmaceuticals.

Thanks A Lot!

Thanks to all who baked and helped in any way with the Halloween Carnival! You are greatly appreciated. A special thanks to PYF for an awesome Haunted House.

Thank You

Dear Members,

Thank you all for the prayers, cards, food, and memorials to the church sent during the illness and death of my father, J. T. Ketchum, Jr. My family appreciated every act of kindness shown to us at this difficult time.

Peggy Henry & Family

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Stewardship Clip

Noah’s Ark

Scene 1

“A Flood is Coming”

  • Noah’s Ark is the theme of our stewardship campaign this Fall. The first scene of Noah’s Ark comes when God reveals to Noah that a flood is coming. God made a similar revelation to our church officers at their retreat at Camp Hopewell last February. We looked at the ten year trends for our congregation and saw that 33% of our members are under 22 years old and 66% of our congregation is under the age of 44 years. We are blessed to have an especially large group of children under the age of 5 years old who will be bringing a flood of joy in the years to come. The Stewardship campaign is moving toward Stewardship Dedication Sunday on November 19th. Please be in prayer about how God would have you respond to the flood that is coming.

Halloween Carnival


October 29th

5:00-6:30 P.M.

BPC Fellowship Hall

Join us for lots of games, prizes, a cake walk, and most of all, FUN! Dress in your favorite Halloween costume (provided it’s not too scary) and bring your friends!

Operation Christmas Child

Once again we will provide shoeboxes filled with goodies for children around the world through the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Project. Please bring a Christmas wrapped shoebox filled with suggested items and an envelope with $7 to cover postage to the Harvest Supper on Sunday, November 12th.

  • Suggested gift ideas: Toys ~ small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, small Etch A Sketch, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries), Slinky, etc.; School Supplies ~ pens, pencils & sharpener, crayons or markers, stamps & ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring & picture books, etc.; Hygiene Items ~ toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (in a plastic bag), comb, washcloth, etc.; Other ~ hard candy & lollipops (please double bag all candy), mints, gum, T-shirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries). DO NOT INCLUDE: used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.
  • Determine whether your gift will be for a boy or a girl, and the child’s age category: 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. Tape a label on the top of your box that gives this information.

When you come to the Harvest Supper on November 12th, bring your shoebox and place on the steps in the sanctuary. We will have a brief prayer dedication service before the Harvest Supper begins.

If you’d rather give money, please make your check payable to: BPC and mark “Operation Christmas Child”. If you have questions, please contact Susie VanDyke, 578-6703. Remember, through Operation Christmas Child Batesville Presbyterian can make a world of difference. Thanks so much!

Prayer List

  • Graceyn Ashmore, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, John Cody Dalrymple, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Cybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Mike Kelly, Jr., Family of Robert Langley, Jay McCaslin, Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Bill Robison, Cindy Staten, Rusty Tedford, Johnny Walters.

Advent Candlelighters

  • If you or your family would like to serve as Advent Candlelighters during the Advent Season this year, please list your name on the signup sheet located on the bulletin board across from Jon’s office, or call the church office, 563-3001. Thanks!

All Saints Day 10/29/06

  • On Sunday, October 29th, we will celebrate All Saints Day during the 11:00 A.M. worship service. The service will include a necrology which is a reading of the names of those in our congregation who have died during the last year.

Inquirer’s Class

  • Dr. Burnham will teach an Inquirer’s Class in the classroom above the Rec Room at 10:00 A.M. on Sunday, October 29th and November 5th. Those who take the class may join the church as an active member on Sunday, November 5th. The class is for anyone interested in learning more about the church and for those who are considering becoming a member of Batesville Presbyterian Church.

PYF 10/29/06

  • The Jr. & Sr. High youth will meet at the Youth House at 4:00 P.M. this Sunday, October 29th, to decorate a Haunted House for the SNL Halloween Carnival. All youth are invited to come, in costume (but not too scary) and help with the haunted house or other games at the Halloween Carnival.

Worship Leaders 10/29/06

  • Nursery – Pat Hendren, Linda Taylor
  • Wee Worship – Sara Helen & Chris Ware
  • 9:00 A.M. Usher – Andrea Staten
  • 11:00 A.M. Ushers – David Maddux, Nicole Risner, Taylor Riddick, Tommy Brooks
  • 11:00 A.M. Greeters – Candy Hopper, Kenny Hopper, Teresa Myers, Vicki Robison
  • 11:00 A.M. Liturgist – Janey Ginn
  • Acolytes – Jackson Burnham, Russ Lewis

Time Changes This Weekend

  • Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend, so don’t forget to turn your clock BACK one hour before you go to bed Saturday night, October 28th!

Bakers Wanted for Halloween Carnival

  • Ladies, we need volunteers to bake a cake, brownies, cupcakes, or cookies for the Halloween Carnival on Sunday, October 29th.
  • If you would like to volunteer, please bring your “baked goodie” to the BPC Fellowship Hall by 4:30 P.M. on Sunday, October 29th. Thanks a lot!

Thank You

  • Thank you to Graves Oil Company for providing the fish for our Fall Fish Fry on Sunday, October 15th. A delicious meal was enjoyed by all!

Welcome Visitors

We welcome these who visited in our church on Sunday, October 22nd:

Frances Ashcraft, Graves Baker, Connie

Baker, Nick Roberson, Leslie Stewart,

Jayci Stewart.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Committee Members & Job Descriptions

2007 Committee Members
*Signifies the committee moderator
Elders names in bold text; Deacons names in plain text

* Kenny Hopper , Paulette Norman
Claire Sanders, John White

Terri Broome

Christian Education
*Hal Herron, Laurie Monteith, Adam Pittman
Janie Ginn, Margaret Nix, Bailey Holland
Andrea Staten, Chris Ware

Endowment & Trusts
*Kenneth Brasell, Ira Gail White
Paulette Norman

Al Welshans, Smith Murphey

Evangelism & Fellowship
* Brad Clark , Dennis Lightsey
Ben Graves , Don Kilgore, David Maddux
Margaret Nix, Andrea Staten, Chris Ware

& Congregational Care

*Paulette Norman, Claire Sanders
Dennis Lightsey

Terri Broome , Janie Ginn

* Ira Gail White, Laurie Monteith, Adam Pittman
Terri Broome , Matthew Herron, David Maddux,

* Dennis Lightsey, Ray Poole, Kenneth Brasell
Forrest Clark, Don Kilgore, Kevin Henry
Jason Herron, Matthew Herron, Margaret Nix

* Bill Mundroff , Kenny Hopper
Brad Clark , Molly Hawkins

William Cole, Al Welshans

* Harriet Beale, Molly Hawkins, John White
Smith Murphy, Kevin Henry, William Cole

Committee Job Descriptions

Administration Committee

Mission Statement:

The purpose of the Administration committee is to further the mission of the church by providing paid staff members to facilitate the day to day operations of the church and to oversee how the committees of the church operate and to maintain good working relations with the broader church.

Session Committee Member duties:

The Administration committee will accomplish their purpose as they work together under the authority of the Session to…

1. Interview candidates for all paid church staff positions except the pastor and recommend to the Session whom to hire.

2. Conduct an annual consultation and evaluation of each church staff member including the pastor and recommend to the Session their pay and benefits package for the coming year.

3. Serve as the committee to whom church members come to report their celebrations or concerns about church staff members including the pastor.

4. Recommend to the Session personnel policies, including how such responsibilities as employment and separation are accomplished.

5. Write and maintain job descriptions for each employee.

6. Maintain and update a Manual of Procedures for the church.

7. Work with higher governing bodies of the church as needed.

Christian Education Committee

Mission Statement:

The Christian Education Committee will provide educational programming for all ages, nursery through adulthood (including shut-ins) in the areas of Sunday School, Vacation Bible School , Pottery Ministry, PYF, Sunday Night Live, Youth choir and handbells, as well as summer camp programs.

Christian Education Committee Duties

1. To supervise the church school through recruitment, training, and support of teachers: recommendation of curriculum, maintenance of church furnishings, teaching aids, and equipment.

2. To supervise the Sunday Night Live Program through recruitment, training, and support of leaders; recommendation of curriculum and activities as well as meal organization.

3. To provide nursery care for Sunday worship and special programs and to support the person providing care.

4. To secure a leader for the Vacation Bible School program, assist in securing volunteers, and see that a curriculum and activities are set.

5. To recruit a volunteer to assist in organizing all the resource materials including videos, written materials, and computer software.

6. To assist the resource volunteer in monitoring the use and maintenance of the video room.

7. To present budget suggestions to the Session.

8. To maintain communication with the director of the Mother’s Day Out Program noting any concerns when needed.

9. To provide music programs and handbell choir for children and youth.

10. To provide and assist the choir director in providing special music presentations by the youth for holidays, as well as other important occasions of the church.

11. To provide a pottery program weekly for youth, as well as other interested members of the church.

12. To provide special pottery crosses for prospective new members of the Presbyterian Church.

13. To serve as advocates and helpers for the Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) Leaders, whose duties are described below.

Duties of the PYF Leaders:

1. To provide meals and activities each Sunday for the youth 6th – 12th grade.

2. To provide weekly information to the church secretary about upcoming events to be published in the Newsletter/Bulletin.

3. To encourage the use of Presbyterian camps by publicizing camps and administering scholarship fund for participants.

4. To maintain the Youth House, reporting any concerns to the Property Committee.

5. To work closely with the Program Coordinator to review schedules, activities, and supplies when needed.

6. To recruit youth participation in all activities sponsored by the church.

7. To provide a program presented by the Youth during the Sunday morning church hour on Youth Sunday.

8. To organize and chaperone the youth to the Montreat Youth Conference each year.

9. To provide Bible study or other activities with youth on Wednesday nights during the school year.

10. To present budget concerns to the Christian Education Committee Chairman.

All members of the Session and Deacons shall have the following duties:

1. To be willing to assist in any way in the programs provided for all our youth leadership, meals, transportation, chaperone, etc.

The Session shall have the following duties:

1. To approve any budget recommendations presented by the Christian Education Committee Chairman for those programs.

Congregational Care & Membership

working with Presbyterian Women Circle Committee

Mission Statement:

To provide a complete program of congregational care to our existing members, new members, prospective members, shut-ins, members with special needs and concerns, new parents, monitoring weekly attendance, deceased members and their families in the areas of prayers, cards, phone calls, transportation, meals, cassette tapes of Sunday services, and any other nurturing concern of the church.

Those members of the Congregational Care/Membership Committee who serve as Deacons will have the following duties:

1. To inform and involve the Session about the special needs of the church members.

2. Arrange for volunteers to help other members with chores and furnish transportation as needed.

3. Create awareness among the congregation of the needs and joys of its members.

4. To review weekly worship attendance trends and show special concern to persons who miss worship four times in a row.

5. To mail a card to church members and friends of the church who are ill, bereaved, shut-ins, or who need a word of encouragement during a difficult time or to those who are celebrating joyful occasions such as the birth of a child or retirement from work.

6. To record and deliver cassette tapes of worship services to shut-ins or church members who cannot attend worship.

7. To put the BPC stork in the yard of church members or friends of the church upon the birth of a child.

8. To coordinate with the PW Moderator to insure that the freezer is properly filled with casseroles.

9. To assist the PW in delivery of meals for members with special concerns when needed.

The members of the Congregational/Care Membership Committee who are Session members will have the following duties:

1. To oversee a program of pastoral care of church members.
2. To communicate with the pastor about the needs of church members.

3. To work with the Deacons in ministering to the sick, new parents, and homebound by sending cards and providing food.

4. To maintain the official record of active, inactive, and affiliate church members along with recording births, baptisms, and deaths of members.

5. To work with the church staff in preparing the required annual statistical report of the General Assembly.

Those members of the Committee which are Presbyterian Women will carry out the following duties:

1. To assist the Deacons in providing casseroles for the freezer.

2. To provide meals for new parents when they return home from the hospital.

3. To distribute the pottery crosses to prospective members.

4. To encourage all women to participate in circles and other activities offered by the women of the church.

5. To assist the funeral meal committee when needed.

6. To provide a rose in memory of the Presbyterian women who have died.

7. To provide roses for new babies born during the year.

Endowments & Trusts Committee

Mission Statement:

The Endowments and Trusts Committee will assist the Session in establishment, maintenance, and administration of money or property provided to the Church for a particular purpose or held in trust for the benefit of the Church.

Session Committee Chairperson duties:

1. To make recommendations to the Session concerning the maintenance and administration of money or property given for the benefit of the Church in accordance with any special purpose or request of the person or entity creating the endowment, trust, and/or benevolent gift;

2. To recommend of guidelines for the implementation of any newly created endowment scholarships; and

3. To make recommendations to the Session about the establishment of an Endowments & Trusts program including various types of endowments, trust, and/or benevolent gifts which would encourage the Congregation to participate in these alternative forms of financial support.

All committee members’ duties:

1. To educate and inform the Congregation about existing endowments and trusts and their purposes;

2. To encourage active participation in the endowments and/or scholarships established for the benefit of the Congregation;

3. To inform the congregation through publication and announcement of newly established endowments, trust, and/or benevolent gifts;

4. To oversee and assure the publication and announcement to the Congregation and public of those individuals selected to receive endowment scholarships;

5. To investigate and obtain information concerning the formation for the establishment of Endowments & Trust program, including various types of endowments, trust, and/or benevolent gifts, as a means of encouraging the Congregation to participate in these forms of financial;

6. To work in consultation with members of the Stewardship Committee to develop programs that encourage alternate means of financial support which would meet the future needs of the Church through the establishment of endowments, trusts, and/or other forms of benevolent gifts;

7. To assist members of the Congregation in the establishment of new endowments, trusts, and/or benevolent gifts;

8. To assist in the establishment of guidelines for the implementation of endowment scholarships; and

9. To oversee and assure that the guidelines for existing endowment scholarships are followed.

Fellowship & Evangelism Committee

Mission Statement:

The Evangelism committee will focus its energy on the winning of new members as well as the revival, renewal, and rejuvenation of our current members in their personal commitments to Christ. Several avenues should be used in achieving this task. They include, but not limited to: fellowship activities, outreach, publicity, celebrations and recognition. The fundamental purpose will be to ensure everyone in our church family has a sense of community, companionship, and a part of the whole.

Session Committee Member duties:

1. Support committee with financial resources, guidance, and coordinate scheduling events with other church functions.

2. Identify needs within church family and generate ideas to address them.

3. Ensure mission is achieved through actions of committee.

Deacon Committee Member duties:

1. Plan and implement a Spring and Fall picnic/activities annually.

2. Coordinate church involvement in community activities such as softball teams or other recreational activities.

3. Coordinate other social activities such as potluck lunches, ice cream socials, supper clubs, club meetings, outside speakers, and/or group outings, trips or tours. Minimum should be 1 such activity per month.

4. Coordinate the recognition of birthdays, anniversaries or significant achievements via cards, pictures, etc.

5. Coordinate outreach programs such as : secret pals, tapes services to shut ins, and new baby stork.

6. Plan and coordinate church pictorial directory every 4 years.

7. See that worship guests are greeted and contacted at home after attending.

8. Use local resources to locate new people in the community and make them aware of church activities.

9. Inform the pastor of visitors and potential visitors.

10. Present visitors small memento during worship visit.

11. Develop ways to get local recognition via newspapers, t-shirts, etc. to get name in public.

Missions Committee

Mission Statement:

To recognize the benefits bestowed upon the Church by the grace of God, and strive to facilitate and encourage the sharing of those benefits to those outside our church family through activities which promote outreach of the church to those outside our church family. These activities should provide interaction, both financial as well as personal, between church members and those outside the Church.

All committee members’ duties:

1. Provide oversight of the Church’s involvement with existing local, national, and international mission projects.

2. Establish new and innovative mission projects that will either involve those whom the Church has not yet been able to serve, or will provide new and better services for those to whom the Church has already served.

3. Challenge and motivate the members of the Church to become involved in the mission projects.

4. Organize fund raising activities to fund mission projects, as needed.

Session Committee Member duties:

Session members will also be responsible to oversee the budget for the mission activities in consultation with the Stewardship Committee.

Property Committee

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Property Committee will be to promote church fellowship and worship by providing comfortable and safe surroundings through the maintenance and oversight over church property, both real and personal.

Session Committee Chairperson duties:

All members’ duties:

1. Regularly inspect/assess church property, with the exception of church instruments and office equipment, to determine any problems or needed repairs.

2. Coordinate with church members to affect minor repairs, maintenance and cleaning of church buildings, real property and personal property.

3. Make recommendations to the Session regarding any necessary major repairs or improvements needed.

4. Enter into contracts, as directed by the Session, to accomplish any needed repair or maintenance of church property, and oversee all work contracted.

5. Manage the church grounds, including the oversight of landscaping, providing for lawn care (mowing, weed control, watering, snow clearing, leaf raking, and other such work) and contracting with workers for the

6. Prepare and submit to the Session an annual budget as it deals with church property. This should include the continued cost for the maintenance of church buildings, grounds and furniture, as well as the cost of any proposed improvements and repairs.

7. Oversee the cleaning of church property, including coordinating clean-up duties and sponsoring clean-up days for both the buildings as well as the grounds.

8. Review and ensure all insurance policies are up to date and have appropriate values and deductibles.

Stewardship Committee

Mission Statement:

The Stewardship Committee will assist the Session in interpreting, establishing and meeting the Church’s current and future financial needs.

Session Committee Chairperson duties:

1. To receive budget requests from Session Committees and use these requests to establish a proposed budget;

2. To present the proposed budget to the Session for its consideration;

3. To make any changes to the proposed budget as recommended by the Session, and to draft the final budget as approved by the Session;

4. To interpret the Church’s final budget to the Session and the Congregation;

5. To report to the Session throughout the year as to whether the Church is remaining with in the final budget;

6. To consult with Session Committees and make recommendations to the Session as to any adjustments which should be made to ensure that the Church remains within its fiscal year budget; and to review monetary requests from the Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly and make recommendations to the Session as how to best respond to these requests.

All members’ duties:

1. To provide a program of stewardship education within the Church which encourages the Congregation to contribute resources and financial to the Church;

2. To work in consultation with members of the Endowment & Trust Committee to provide them with information concerning the Church’s future needs; and

3. To work in consultation with members of the Endowment & Trust Committee to develop programs that encourage alternate means of financial support to the Church.

4. Create a strategy to generate new sources of income. Utilize other committees to execute the strategy the committee develops.

Worship Committee

Mission Statement:

The worship committee will assist the pastor in providing organized worship services on a regular basis, including Sunday services, special holidays, funerals and weddings.

Session Committee Chairperson duties:

1. To supervise the order of worship during the Sunday morning worship services and any other special worship services.

2. To recommend to the Session when and how to celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.

3. To oversee purchase, maintenance and replacement of organ, pianos, handbells, hymnbooks, pulpit, altar, paraments, communion ware and linen, baptismal gown and cloth, candlesticks and wicks, candlelighter’s cassocks, choir equipment, robes and accessories.

4. To submit a budget request each year to the Stewardship Committee.

Deacon Committee Member duties:

1. To assist the pastor as needed in the preparation of the bread and juice and set the communion table for celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

2. To recruit acolytes, train them, and work with the church secretary in arranging for them to service; notify them of their service.

3. To recruit ushers and greeters, train them, and work with the church secretary in arranging them to serve and notifying them of their service.

All members’ duties:

1. Work with the minister to prepare written policies for ushers, greeters, and acolytes.

2. To recommend to the Session guidelines and policies for weddings and funerals, including the order of worship and use of facilities for receptions and memorial services.

3. To decorate the Church for special services, including Christmas and Easter.

4. To oversee the placement of flowers in the Sanctuary each Sunday.