Monday, November 13, 2006

Stewardship Clip

Noah’s Ark

Scene 4

“Rainbow's Promise”

Noah and the animals spent many days inside the ark. When the flood was finally over, and the water disappeared, Noah and the animals got off the boat and stood on dry ground. They looked up and saw God's rainbow in the sky. The colors of the rainbow made Noah and the animals very happy. They smiled because they knew God loved them and would take care of them. Noah and the animals were blessed by God and so are we. Even today the rainbow is a sign of God's covenant to protect us and provide for our future. We are blessed to have the opportunity to work with God in providing for the future of our congregation. The Stewardship campaign is moving toward Stewardship Dedication Sunday on November 19 when we make our 2007 financial pledges to the church. The Bible says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Together, we have built a vision for our church and on November 19 we must make that vision a reality.

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