Monday, March 26, 2007

Easter Sunday Special Offering

One Great Hour of Sharing

About the Offering

For more than fifty years, Presbyterians have joined with Christians throughout the nation in supporting One Great Hour of Sharing, responding to Christ's love for all people by joyfully sharing that love with people in need. The refugee and the stranger have found food and safe shelter; those stunned by the aftermath of disasters have found relief and help rebuilding; and communities seeking to take control of their future have found partners in development. Presbyterians' gifts support the work of The Presbyterian Committee for the Self-Development of People, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and the Presbyterian Hunger Program. The hundreds of millions of dollars Presbyterians have given over the last half century have enabled a powerful witness to the love of the One who came that all might have life more abundantly.

Allocation of gifts to the PC(USA)'s One Great Hour of Sharing offering. After deducting administrative costs (up to 5%) and the costs of creating and distributing promotional materials (roughly 5%), the remaining undesignated gifts are divided among three programs as follows:

36% Presbyterian Hunger Program for ministries working to alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes, responding with compassion and justice to poor and hungry people in local communities, in the nation, and throughout the world, as well as ministries addressing homelessness and affordable housing.

32% Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for disaster response and ministries with refugees.

32% Self-Development of People for partnerships with groups of people who are oppressed by poverty or social systems, who want to take charge of their own lives, have organized to do something about their own condition, and have decided what they need to do to produce long-term benefits for themselves.

For more information about this offering and the nine denominations that receive it, call Mission Interpretation at (502) 569-5168.

To order resources, call (800) 524-2612.

More information on the history of One Great Hour of Sharing offering.

What do your gifts to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering do.

Where the Money Goes

For additional information on the three One Great Hour of Sharing offering program areas check out the following sites:

Presbyterian Hunger Program

Self-Development of People

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

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