In May the Circles concluded the 2005-2006 Bible study, For Everything, A Season, which was an interesting study of the Liturgical Calendar.
We have had a busy year serving in many church projects and activities:
- This year Presbyterian Women sponsored the church-wide project Operation Christmas Child and responded to the need for frozen casseroles to help feed Katrina workers on the Gulf Coast.
- Our Presbyterian Women hosted the Cluster Meeting last August with ladies attending from churches in areas A & B of St. Andrew Presbytery.
- Some of our Presbyterian Women attended a Fall Retreat at the Grenada Presbyterian Church in October.
- A group of our Presbyterian Women attended the Spring Gathering at Hernando Presbyterian Church in March.
Many thanks to all Presbyterian Women who have given of their time and gifts to the following mission causes we have supported during the 2005-2006 year:
Thank Offering - $232.50
Birthday Offering - $396.00
Least Coin - $ 43.68
Camp Hopewell - $150.00
Columbia Seminary - $ 50.00
French Camp - $100.00
Louisville Seminary - $ 50.00
Louisville Book Ends- $ 50.00
Lighthouse Lodge - $ 50.00
Mission Haven - $100.00
2 Cents a Meal/Hunger $ 50.00
My thanks to all Presbyterian Women for the opportunity to serve as your Moderator for the past two years. It has been a challenging and rewarding experience for me as well as a time of growth in my faith journey. Thanks to each of you for your support and willingness to help during this time.
Billie Garner
PW Retiring Moderator
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