Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Currently Seeking Interim Youth Director

Job Description for

Interim Youth Director

Approved by the Session on June 12, 2006

A. Working Relationships

1) The Pastor acts as Head of staff.

2) The Interim Youth Director will work with other church staff and members as needed to fulfill his/her responsibilities and to ensure the overall success of the church's ministry. The Interim Youth Director will work directly with the Christian Education Committee and/or their sub-committees in planning and implementing the various programs and will serve as staff advisor to those committees.

3) The Interim Youth Director is under the supervision of the Session and responsible to the Session through the Chairperson of the Christian Education Committee.

4) Annual review and personal support for the Interim Youth Director will be the responsibility of the Administration Committee of the Session.

5) Members of the Session and Deacons will be willing to assist in any way in the programs provided for all our youth leadership including meals, transportation, chaperone, etc.

B. Primary Responsibilities

1. To arrange meals and activities each Sunday for youth in grades 6-12.

2. To provide weekly information to the church secretary about upcoming events to be published in the Newsletter/Bulletin.

3. To encourage the use of Presbyterian camps by publicizing camps and administering scholarship fund for participants.

4. To maintain the Youth House, reporting any concerns to the Property Committee.

5. To recruit youth participation in all activities sponsored by the church.

6. To provide a program presented by the Youth during the Sunday morning church hour on Youth Sunday.

7. To organize and chaperone the youth to the Montreat Youth Conference each year.

8. To organize and chaperone the youth to presbytery retreats at Camp Hopewell.

9. To provide Bible study or other activities with youth on Wednesday nights during the school year.

10. To present budget needs and concerns for the youth program to the Moderator of the Christian Education Committee.

Email Dr. Jon Burnham
for more information about this position

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