Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Introduction of Pastor Karen Brostrom O'Brien

Part 1 of 3

Over the next three weeks as we prepare for the arrival of our Interim Pastor, the committee would like for everyone to get to know Pastor Karen better. First of all, when asked, “What is your preferred title or way to be addressed?”, she responded with “Pastor Karen”.

Let’s look over a biography that was included in her application. This is a brief overview; however, it does give us a look into what she is all about.

Who I am: by Pastor Karen

I am a life long Presbyterian. I grew up in a very historic church in Bergenfield, New Jersey. My father’s ancestors arrived in that community early in our country’s history. For generations our family was associated with South Presbyterian Church, Bergenfield. The church was important to me in my early years. Later my experience at Johnsonburg, a Presbyterian camp, helped me on my faith journey.

A sense of call to work in the church came to me at an early age. I was fascinated with family and friends who were able to talk about issues surrounding faith and personal beliefs. I learned to discuss doubts openly and was taught to pray about concerns. Friends, music, and church got me through adolescence and young adulthood.

When I went to college, I attended Head of Christiana Presbyterian Church in Newark, Delaware. My mother’s family was connected to this church. The members were outgoing and gracious. I sang in the choir one year. This church helped me grow and understand the connectional system of the Presbyterian Church. The sermons were different from home but it was here in Newark that I started to listen attentively to sermons and begin to understand the movement of the worship service.

When I arrived at seminary after college, I knew I was in the right place.

I have a strong interest in growth and support of leaders in the church and candidates for ministry and church vocations.

My family consists of my son, David, a newspaper staff reporter in Kent, Ohio. My parents and my two sisters (and their families) live in New Jersey. My brother and his family live in Colorado.

Next week’s newsletter will include more detailed information about her lifelong dedication for doing the work of God and that of the church. This will include the many places she has lived, and her career highlights that take her from Director of Christian Education through her last ten years as an Interim Pastor.

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