Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Food Pantry Volunteers

  • January is our church's month to provide volunteers to bag groceries or screen recipients for the Food Pantry. We need three volunteers to report for duty on Tuesday, January 16, 23 and 30 at 9:00 A.M. at the church to screen people or at the Food Pantry to bag groceries. The Food Pantry will not be open on January 2 and 9.

Seeking a Church Secretary

Read the job description below.

We are looking for somone with excellent people skills

and computer ability.

We are offering a minimum salary of $16,000
plus health insurance for the church secretary.

The office hours have been Monday through Friday from
8:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M. with an hour off for lunch.

We offer holidays and some personal days off
plus two weeks vacation after one year of employment.


If you wish to be considered for this position

Email your resume to Dr. Jon Burnham


or you may mail your resume to:

Batesville Presbyterian Church

c/o Church Secretary Search

121 Eureka Street

Batesville, MS 38606


Job Description of the Church Secretary

Batesville Presbyterian Church

December 2006

The church secretary performs secretarial and other related administrative duties as follows:

a. Pastor

(1) Make appointments as needed.

(2) Help pastor keep prayer list updated.

(3) Schedule weddings and secure information: coordinate arrangements between bride/family, the church, florist, caterer, etc.

(4) Prepare Wedding and Baptism Certificates.

(5) Keep updated wedding and baptism brochures.

(6) Do typing for committees on which pastor serves (outside BPC).

b. Church

(1) Maintain church activity calendar, also schedule activities for groups outside

the church (as building and programs permit, subject to approval from


(2) Maintain and reproduce Church Directory and annually print, assemble and

mail to congregation.

(3) Type Presbyterian Women Yearbook annually and reproduce.

(4) Type weekly bulletin, print, assemble and place in sanctuary.

(5) Change paraments at proper time.

(6) Order flowers for Sunday worship (when funds are available).

(7) Type mid-week newsletter, print, address and mail.

(8) Prepare, print and mail monthly calendar.

c. Session

(1) Notify Session and Committees of meetings.

(2) Type and reproduce agendas, minutes, committees, vital statistics, etc. for


(3) Secure New Member information and write for church letters.

(4) Maintain official Church Register (record new members, dismissals, baptisms,

weddings, deaths, transfers, etc.)

(5) Maintain up-to-date address of local and out-of-town membership.

(6) Work with the Clerk of Session to prepare the Annual Statistical Report.

(7) Record minutes in minute book.

d. Membership Committee

(1) Check attendance sheets and keep a record of worship attendance for each

member in the Power Church Plus software.

(2) Make a list of visitors for Pastor and Membership Chairperson.

(3) Maintain attendance pads, pencils in sanctuary.

(4) Relay prayer concerns to Membership Committee Chairperson/Pastor/Prayer


Job description of the Church Secretary, December 2006

e. Christian Education duties are performed under the direction of the Interim Program

Coordinator or the Pastor:

(1) Perform secretarial duties related to Christian Education as needed by the

Interim Programs Director.

(2) Maintain some files for the CE program.

(3) Prepare mail-outs for CE events and church school classes.

(4) Maintain names and addresses for the Church School rolls (Nursery-Sr. High).

(5) Prepare mail-outs and keep records on Youth activities and programs.

f. Financial duties performed under the direction of the Church Treasurer:

(1) Acknowledge all Memorial gifts and place them into designated or

undesignated accounts.

(2) Assist as needed the Counting Committee, to count all church income on

Monday morning, record all individual gifts, balance the summary sheet, and

deposit at the bank.

g. Stewardship Committee:

(1) Work with the Stewardship Committee in the annual Stewardship emphasis.

(2) Assemble committee budget requests submitted through the Stewardship

Committee into the Proposed Budget.

(3) Work with the Stewardship Committee in the Stewardship Drive, including

calling, recording and confirming pledges, the assignment of church

envelopes and mailings related to the Campaign.

h. Property Committee:

(1) Keep committee up-to-date on service contracts, property insurance, and

needed repairs and services. Keep records of property purchases for

presentation at Property Committee meetings.

i. Deacons:

(1) Type and duplicate minutes and other materials for Deacons.

(2) Send Board members notification of monthly meetings.

j. Miscellaneous:

(1) Order office supplies.

(2) Talk with sales representatives who drop by office.

(3) Run errands and do varied purchasing for the church.

(4) Service pew racks as needed.

(5) Prepare/mail monthly calendars; usher, acolyte, greeter schedules.

(6) Inform Synod (annually), of address changes of our membership.

(7) Do various typing as necessary for Presbyterian Women & Music Program.

(8) Assist all new staff when needed in getting settled.

(9) Order janitorial supplies.

(10) Type and mail out minutes and other documents from miscellaneous

Presbytery committees chaired by DCE.

(11) Perform other duties and respond as necessary or as requested by supervisor.

Monday, December 25, 2006

January 7, 2007

Service of Ordination

& Installation

Sunday, January 7

  • Laurie Monteith and Adam Pittman will be ordained and installed as elders; and Forrest Clark, Jason Herron, and Bailey Holland will be ordained and installed as Deacons during the 11:00 A.M. worship service on Sunday, January 7, 2007.

Stewardship Update

  • As of now we have received pledges for $237,026 for 2007. Last year we completed our stewardship drive with pledges of $225,000.
  • December is normally the church's biggest month for receipts and we certainly hope that is true again this year.

New College Class

  • Jay Williams will teach a church school class for college students on Sunday mornings from 10:00 - 10:30 A.M. in the church library. The class begins on December 24. College students, come and join us when you are in town.

Prayer List

  • James Ed Waldrup, Dianne Lightsey, Bob Norris, Josh Patton, Wayne Darby, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, J. J. Benfur, Bubba Bryan, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Sandra Davenport, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Sybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Donna Magee, Mike Kelly, Jr., Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Tony Ray, Bill Robison, Georgia Seale, Cindy Staten, Johnny Walters
  • Call the church office to add or remove people from the prayer list.

Church Officers Jan 15

  • The Deacons will meet at 6:00 P.M. and the Elders will meet at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, January 15, 2007. This will be our first meetings of the new year.

Worship Leaders Dec. 31

  • Nursery – Jana & Jennifer Burnham
  • Wee Worship – Brad & Colleen Clark
  • 9:00 A.M. Usher - William Cole
  • 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Terri Broome, Nicole Risner, Kevin Henry, Debi Honnoll
  • 11:00 A.M. Greeters – Teresa Brasell, Anabelle Paulk, Russell Paulk, Chris Ware
  • 11:00 A.M. Acolytes – Mary Lynn Lewis & Charlie Ann Nix

tapestry 2007

A Leadership Training Event

for the people of the Presbytery of St. Andrew

Friday and Saturday

January 26 & 27, 2007

First Presbyterian Church

Cleveland, Mississippi

Weaving with devotion our talents, strengths,

ideas and skills for the glory of God

Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Worship Schedule

Christmas Eve

6:00 P.M. Communion Service

Christmas Day

10: A.M. Family Service

Children Sing Dec. 24

  • Due to a power outage during our Joy Gift program on December 10, we would like to invite the children to sing for us in the Christmas Eve morning worship service, complete with Joy Gift costume!
  • The Cherub Choir will sing Jingle Bells and Sweetly Chime.
  • Mitchell Mundroff will sing The Little Drummer Boy for the anthem joined by all the little drummer boys from Joy Gift.
  • The Girlchoir will sing The Friendly Beasts and the Sunday Night Live choir will dress as the manger animals.
  • All children will sing Go Tell It On The Mountain.
  • Parents, bring your children in costume to the 11:00 A.M. service on Dec. 24!

Stewardship Update

  • As of now we have received pledges for $237,026 for 2007. Last year we completed our stewardship drive with pledges of $225,000.
  • Thank you to all who pledged to the church on Stewardship Dedication Sunday. Additional pledge cards are available on the table in the hallway and inside the worship bulletin.
  • December is normally the church's biggest month for receipts and we certainly hope that is true again this year.

New College Class

  • Jay Williams will teach a church school class for college students on Sunday mornings from 10:00 - 10:30 A.M. in the church library. The class begins on December 24. College students, come and join us when you are in town.


  • The remaining Christmas Poinsettias may be taken home after worship this Sunday by those who provided them.

Worship Leaders Dec. 24

  • Nursery – Missy & Sarah Ashton Baker
  • Wee Worship – Suzan Graves, Meg Woods
  • 9:00 A.M. Usher - William Cole
  • 9:00 A.M. Advent Candle Lighters - Buddy Gray Family
  • 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Terri Broome, Nicole Risner, Kenny Hopper, Tommy Brooks
  • 11:00 A.M. Greeters – Haley Williams, Jay Williams, Ira Gail White, Hal Herron
  • 11:00 A.M. Acolytes – Jennifer Burnham & Jackson Burnham
  • 11:00 A.M. Advent Candlelighter – Dr. Johnny Spencer Family
  • Christmas Eve Communion Candlelighters - Richard Lamb Family

Worship Leaders Dec. 25

  • Christmas Day Advent Candlighters - Kenny Hopper Family
  • Children's Time - Candy Hopper

Prayer List

  • Josh Patton, Wayne Darby, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, J. J. Benfur, Bubba Bryan, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Sandra Davenport, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Sybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Donna Magee, Mike Kelly, Jr., Jay McCaslin, Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Tony Ray, Bill Robison, Georgia Seale, Cindy Staten, Johnny Walters
  • Call the church office to add or remove people from the prayer list.

Christian Sympathy

Our Christian sympathy is with the family of our custodian, Freddie Bibbs, upon the death of her husband, Willie Bibbs, of the Sand Springs community.

Additional Poinsettias Memorials & Honorariums

The following poinsettias memorials and honorariums were given on December 10 and should have been listed in last week's worship bulletin.

  • In memory of Corporal Michael Brandon Presley from the family of Rusty Woods.
  • In memory of Nell Randolph and J.R. Lewis by the family of Cooper Lewis.
  • In memory of J.T. & Maggie Ketchum from the family of Wallace Henry.
  • In memory of T.J. and Grace Henry from the faimly of Kevin Henry.
  • In memory of Willie Lamb from the family of Larry Henry.
  • In memory of Richard & Doris Phillips from the family of Don Kilgore.
  • In memory of Rayna Phillips Hill from the family of Don Kilgore.
  • In honor of her parents, Ervin and Gloria Strauss from Linda Taylor
  • In memory of Dr. & Mrs. Jack Russel from the family of George Carlson.
  • In memory of Dr. and Mrs. George Carlson from the family of George Carlson.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Stewardship Update

As of now we have received pledges for $237,026 for 2007. Last year we completed our stewardship drive with pledges of $225,000.

Thank you to all who pledged to the church on Stewardship Dedication Sunday. Additional pledge cards are available on the table in the hallway and inside the worship bulletin.

December is normally the church's biggest month for receipts and we certainly hope that is true again this year.

December Graduations

  • Congratulations to Ginnie Monteith, daughter of Laurie and Dick Monteith, who has graduated from Mississippi State University this month with a major in Nutrition and a minor in Biology. Ginnie is inquiring into further education toward becoming an optometrist.
  • Congratulations to Carly Ginn, daughter of Janie Ginn, who has graduated from Ole Miss with a major in Psychology and a minor in English and plans to move to Jackson in January.
  • Please notify the church office if you know of other December graduates we should mention in the newsletter.

Children Sing Dec. 24

Due to a power outage during our Joy Gift program on December 10, we would like to invite the children to sing for us in the Christmas Eve morning worship service, complete with Joy Gift costume!

The Cherub Choir will sing Jingle Bells and Sweetly Chime.

Mitchell Mundroff will sing The Little Drummer Boy for the anthem joined by all the little drummer boys from Joy Gift.

The Girlchoir will sing The Friendly Beasts and the Sunday Night Live choir will dress as the manger animals.

All children will sing Go Tell It On The Mountain.

Parents, bring your children in costume to the 11:00 A.M. service on Dec. 24!

Lost & Found

Michelle Toliver, who lives next door to the Whitten House, has lost her cat as of last Sunday night after the Joy Gift Program. If anyone took home a black and white kitten thinking it was a stray, please call Michelle at 934-2493.

There are two pair of glasses and one pair of sunglasses in a box in the workroom across from the secretary's office. If you have lost a pair of glasses, you may want to look in that box.

Christian Sympathy

Our Christian sympathy is with the family of Ann Cloud and Celeste Monteith upon the death of their brother, Kenneth Parker, a WWII veteran, who lived in Germantown, Tennessee. He was buried in Memphis with military honors on Tuesday, December 12, 2006.

Worship Leaders Dec. 17

Nursery – Jana Brock, Cathryn Patton

Wee Worship – Suzan Graves, Meg Woods

11:00 A.M. Ushers – Terri Broome, Nicole Risner, Trey Poole, Will Poole

11:00 A.M. Greeters – Billie Garner, Jenny Poole, Ray Poole, Claire Sanders

11:00 A.M. Acolytes – Charley Ann Nix, Canice Nickle

11:00 A.M. Advent Candlelighter – Jay Williams Family

Christmas Poinsettias

The Christmas Poinsettias will be in the sanctuary on December 17 and those who ordered them may take them home after the Christmas Cantata this Sunday.

PW Thank Offering

Presbyterian Women, please turn in your offering by Sunday, December 17, to contribute to the Thank Offering.

Prayer List

Wayne Dowdy, Josh Patton, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, J. J. Benfur, Bubba Bryan, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Sandra Davenport, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Sybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Donna Magee, Mike Kelly, Jr., Jay McCaslin, Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Tony Ray, Bill Robison, Georgia Seale, Cindy Staten, Johnny Walters

Call the church office to add or remove people from the prayer list.

Prayer List

Wayne Dowdy, Josh Patton, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, J. J. Benfur, Bubba Bryan, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Sandra Davenport, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Sybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Donna Magee, Mike Kelly, Jr., Jay McCaslin, Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Tony Ray, Bill Robison, Georgia Seale, Cindy Staten, Johnny Walters

Call the church office to add or remove people from the prayer list.

Suggested Xyz Trips

The Xyz group is considering upcoming trips in the new year. Here are some suggestions. If you have other suggestions please call Paullette Norman at 563-2263.

Museum in Tunica

Museums on Ole Miss campus

Museums on MSU campus

Peter's Pottery in Mound Bayou

Lunch at Culinary Arts School at Ole Miss

Tour of Viking Facility in Greenwood

Matinee movie in Oxford

National Park in Vicksburg (overnight)

Various Memphis museums

Strawberry Patch (Hummingbirds)

Lunch at "madidi" in Clarksale (Morgan Freeman's restaurant)

Lenten Service in Memphis

Riverboat cruise in Tunica in the Spring

Holly Springs Pilgrimage

Natchez Pilgrimage (overnight)

Handbell & Choir Party

The Adult Choir and Adult Handbell Group will have a Christmas party on Wednesday, December 20th, at 6:30 P.M. in the home of Michelle and Bill Mundroff. Bring your favorite Christmas dish and come enjoy a festive time of fellowship and good food!

PYF Christmas Party

Nicole Risner will host the PYF Christmas Party at 6:00 P.M. on Sunday, December 17 at 306 Dettor Street. All youth in Grades 6-12 are welcome.

Angel Tree Due Dec. 17

Gifts for the Angel Tree Project are due on December 17 in the church library which is next door to the secretary's office. Thank you to all who are participating in this project.

Thanks Retiring Officers

Our gratitude is extended to David Honnoll and Bill Robison who are retiring this month from the Session. David and Bill have now served 6 consecutive years on the Session after having served 6 consecutive on the Diaconate. Thank them for their service!

We also appreciate Adam Pittman, Nicole Risner and Jay Williams who are rotating off the Diaconate this month.

Christian Sympathy

Our Christian sympathy is with the family of our custodian, Freddie Bibbs, upon the death of her husband, Willie Bibbs, of the Sand Springs community.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Joy Gift Program

Sunday, December 10th

5:00 P.M.

BPC Sanctuary

~Cherub Choir~

Meets from 9:45-10:00 A.M. Sunday. Girls will wear angel costumes (halo, wings, all white). They can wear a white dress or white shirt & pants.

Boys will dress as little drummer boys complete with drum. Dress them in brown, khakis, cream, or gray. They will all need a drum.

~K-2 Choir~

Alden, Sulli – dress as doves; Ann Elizabeth, Caroline, Mary Catherine – dress as sheep; Russ, Mason, Nathan – dress as camels; Jackson Lee, Will – dress as cows; Wyatt, Harris, Graves – dress as donkeys.

~Grades K-5~

Girl Choir (grades 3-6) will sing “The Friendly Beasts”, “Adeste Fideles” and “Silent Night.” Dress: (a classic, traditional appearance) wear a nice “Sunday dress” or Christmas dress.

Mitchell Mundroff will sing “The Little Drummer Boy” dressed as a drummer boy.

Suggested XYZ Trips

The XYZ group is considering upcoming trips in the new year. Here are some suggestions. If you have other suggestions, please call Paulette Norman at 563-2263.

  • Museum in Tunica
  • Museums on Ole Miss campus
  • Museums on MSU campus
  • Peter’s Pottery in Mound Bayou
  • Lunch at Culinary Arts School at Ole Miss
  • Tour of Viking Facility in Greenwood
  • Matinee movie in Oxford
  • National Park in Vicksburg (overnight trip)
  • Various Memphis museums
  • Strawberry Patch (Hummingbirds)
  • Lunch at “madidi” in Clarksdale (Morgan Freeman’s restaurant)
  • Lenten Service in Memphis
  • Riverboat cruise in Tunica in the Spring
  • Holly Springs Pilgrimage
  • Natchez Pilgrimage (overnight trip)
  • Painting pottery classes in Como & Oxford

Stewardship Update

  • 80 pledges have been turned in with a total of $232,826 pledged to date. Pledge cards are available on the table in the church office hallway.

PW Thank Offering

  • If you would like to contribute to the Thank Offering this year please turn in your offering by Sunday, December 17th. Thanks!

Handbell & Adult Choir Christmas Party 12/20/06

  • The Adult Choir and Adult Handbell Group will have a Christmas party on Wednesday, December 20th, at 6:30 P.M. in the home of Michelle and Bill Mundroff. Bring your favorite Christmas dish and come enjoy a festive time of fellowship and good food!

Christmas Cantata 12/17/06

  • The Adult Choir and members of the Memphis Symphony Orchestra will present a Christmas Cantata on Sunday, December 17th, at the 11:00 A.M. worship service.

Christmas Poinsettias

  • The deadline to order a poinsettia is Tuesday, December 12th. Please turn your form in to the church office as soon as possible.

Glasses Lost & Found

  • There are two pair of glasses and one pair of sunglasses in a box in the workroom across from the secretary’s office. If you have lost a pair of glasses, you may want to look in that box.

Church Pictorial Directory Update

  • Thanks to Candy and Kenny Hopper for giving the church a new laptop computer. Margaret Buntin will use the laptop to design our church directory.

Officer & Committee Meetings in December

  • The Deacons will meet at 6:00 P.M. on Monday, December 11th, in the Session Room.
  • The Christian Education, Evangelism & Fellowship, and Membership & Congregational Care Committees will meet at 6:30 P.M. on Monday, December 11th, at the church.
  • The Session will meet at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, December 11th, in the Session Room.

PW Joint Meeting 12/11/06

  • The PW Morning and Afternoon Circles will meet on Monday, December 11th, at 2:00 P.M. in the Rec Room.

Reception for Marilyn Elliott 12/10/06

  • You are cordially invited to a farewell reception in honor of Mrs. Marilyn Elliott on Sunday, December 10th, at 10:30 A.M. in the Rec Room. Marilyn has served us well as church secretary for the past five years and now she will be leaving us to begin serving as Church Secretary and Financial Secretary of First Baptist Church in Greenwood. Join us for this reception for Marilyn as we celebrate her service to the church and her ministry here.

Joy Offering 12/10/06

  • The Christmas Joy Offering will be received on Sunday, December 10th, during both morning worship services and at the Joy Gift Program that evening.

Worship Leaders 12/10/06

  • Nursery – Pat Hendren, Linda Taylor
  • Wee Worship – Sara Helen & Chris Ware
  • 9:00 A.M. Usher – William Cole
  • 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Terri Broome, Nicole Risner, Taylor Riddick, Bill Mundroff
  • 11:00 A.M. Greeters – Mandy Henry, Kevin Henry, Debi Honnoll, Paulette Norman
  • 11:00 A.M. Liturgist – Mona Pittman
  • 11:00 A.M. Acolytes – Charley Ann Nix, Canice Nickle
  • 9:00 A.M. Advent Candlelighter – Roy Girner Family
  • 11:00 A.M. Advent Candlelighter – Teddy Morrow Family