Wednesday, January 23, 2008

PYF News

Both Jr. High and Senior High PYF will meet at the church this Sunday, 1/27 at 4:30 to go bowling in Oxford. Lloyd Campbell has graciously agreed to drive the church bus for this trip.

PYF members will need to bring money for supper.


· Sr. High deadline for registration - Jan. 27th.

· Jr. High deadline for registration - Feb. 10th.

Scholarships are available for both of these retreats. Contact the church office.

Dunlap & Curry Scholarship Applications

It’s almost time to pick up your application for the J. C. Dunlap or John C. Curry Scholarship. If you are a graduating high school senior, please contact the church office for more information.

Choir Notes

The choir has begun making preliminary plans to record a CD! That's right. You heard it here first. David Honnoll, Susie VanDyke, Cherie Matthews and others will also record solos as well as favorites of the choir and congregation. The choir has started a list of their favorites, but welcome any "nominations" from the congregation. They also welcome anyone who is interested in using their musical talent to enhance the worship service to join them! There is ALWAYS room for another voice!

SNL Canned Food Drive 1/27/08

Bundle up for a canned food collection! We need to help restocking the Panola County Food Pantry for those less fortunate. Meet at the church this Sunday at 4:30. We will divide into teams to collect items. Our night will end at Burger King. Bring money for your meal. Parents, pick your children up at Burger King at 6:00.

No SNL on Feb. 3rd

Flower Offerings

"Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into."

Henry Beecher, Life Thoughts, 1858

The altar flowers given this Sunday, Jan. 27th, are to the glory of God and in recognition and celebration of the 7th birthday of Alden Elizabeth Graves by her dad and her big brother.

Fresh flowers add so much to a worship service. This year, please consider placing flowers in the church for one of our Sunday morning services. You can honor someone, remember someone, celebrate someone, encourage someone, commemorate a special occasion, welcome a favorite season--or you can do it for the pure joy of it. There is a new sign-up sheet on the hall bulletin board and a place for you and your family. Thank you for your consideration!

Dr. Johnny Spencer, David Honnoll Guest Speakers 1/27/08

We welcome Dr. Johnny Spencer this Sunday, Jan. 27th as he brings the message during the 11:00 worship service. Pastor Karen will be out of town. Kay Wolfe will serve as liturgist.
Thanks also to David Honnoll for conducting the 9:00 worship service.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Faith Hospice

Faith Hospice in Batesville is having a difficult time recruiting volunteers to work directly with patients and families, and also in the hospice office.

Some direct patient activities include: talking, listening, sharing stories, playing cards, providing emotional support, grocery shopping or other errands, and Bible reading.

Some office activities that volunteers perform include: clerical duties, filing, mailing greeting cards, answering the telephone, and coordinating with other team members.

Faith Hospice treats the person instead of the disease, and focuses on the quality of life instead of its duration. They are asking that you please consider volunteering; even thirty minutes can make a difference in someone’s life.

If you are interested or would like additional information, please call Melissa Meek at 662-934-2981 or Stephanie Caruthers at 662-934-6560.

Flower Offerings

A 2008 sign-up sheet for flower offerings has been posted on the bulletin board in the hall. Please help us keep fresh flowers in our sanctuary on Sundays.

January 20: Janey Ginn

January 27: Bob Graves

February 3: Available

February 10: Available

Local Fire Victims

The church is sponsoring an effort to find clothing for a local family who lost everything in a house fire. The 3-year old girl wears 6x pants, 7-8 shirt and a size 13 shoe. Another girl, age 10, wears size 12 pants, 14-16 shirt, and 3 1/2 shoe. The father of this family wears a size 31-30 pants, 32 jeans, a medium or large shirt, and size 8 shoe. Please contact the church office with questions or donations.

Prayer List

Dorothy Davis, (Jennifer Myers Garner’s grandmother-in-law); Rick Johnston and family in the loss of his father, Jerry Patrick Johnston; Lisa Park, Teddy & Allyson Morrow in the loss of his father, Ed Morrow; Molly Hawkins, Vivian “Sis” Bridges (Teresa Myers’s mother); Amy McMinn, Wayne Darby, Mary Lou Evans, James Ed Waldrup, Jimmy Meek, Mary Alice Thornton, the family of Gary George (nephew of Richard & Charlayne Lamb); Garrison Toole, Virginia Estes and the family of Maurice Estes (Carole Murphey’s father); David Douglas, Gloria Westbrook, Caroline Brady (cancer), Ed Lamb (Richard Lamb's brother), Beverly McLauchlin (Larry Smith's cousin), Dot King, Mary Agnes Girner, Calvin Patton, Jr., Maleria Taylor, Lindsey Cannon, Angela Perkins (Gail Corr's daughter), Peggie Robertson (Valerie Campbell's sister), Betty Darby Cole, Bobbie Jean Pounders, Dudley Beall, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Olivia Fitch, Donna Magee, Charles Tindall, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk (Dixie Gladney's sister), Georgia Seale, Buddy Young

Kirkin' O the Tartans

Mark your calendars! The 2008 Kirkin’ will be March 2nd.

Christian Education Task Force for PYF

Are you ready to jump in and help? Do you have teenagers or soon-to-be-teenagers? Have you raised teenagers? Did you participate in a PYF program as a teen? I’m sure most of us have said ‘yes‘ to at least one of these questions. Here is a great opportunity: the Christian Education and Program Committee is forming a Task Force. Their mission will be to review the PYF current program, identify resources, and present recommendations to the Session. This will allow the Administration Committee to focus their recruiting efforts.

This task force should only be required to meet 3-5 times, such a small commitment for a great cause. If you are interested in being a part of this exciting effort, please contact Bill Mundroff or Pastor Karen. We would like to get the task force kicked off in a couple of weeks.

Our Search

What Is the Next Step in Our Search For a New Minister?

Our interim is here, and the next step is for a member of the Committee on Ministry from St. Andrew Presbytery to meet with the church Session. This individual will be our liaison through the process. We do not know when the Pastor Nominating Committee (PCN) will be elected, but possibly this spring. We will keep you posted through the newsletter!

Camp Hopewell Pool

The swimming pool at Camp Hopewell needs to be refurbished. The Session has offered to match any contributions for the pool coming from the congregation. We will match them over the next three years up to $500 per year.

Some of our members were involved in the initial building of the pool years ago. Now it is time to make sure that the pool remains an attractive, important and safe part of the camp experience for our children and youth.

Direct Deposit

You may now set up your monetary gifts to the church through Direct Deposit. It is easy and convenient for both you and the church. Please contact a member of the Stewardship Committee or call the church office with the particulars to begin your Direct Deposit.

Cash Donations

A new tax law has gone into effect recently that will affect all "cash" contributions to any non-profit organization. This law requires that the individual filing must have a written receipt for all cash contributions as proof of the donation.

In order for your cash contributions to be recorded on your annual tithe, please ensure that your name is submitted in writing (as on the pew envelopes normally used) along with the donation itself. Most of BPC’s cash donors are already in compliance with this law.

Congregational Meeting 2/3/08

There will be a congregational meeting on February 3, 2008 following the 11:00 worship service. The purpose of this meeting will be to present the church budget for 2008.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Jan. Officers' Meetings

The Deacons will meet Monday, January 14th at 6:00 PM, followed by meetings of the Administration, the Christian Education and the Endowments and Trusts committees.

The Session will meet later that evening at 7:00 PM.

We welcome the Class of 2010 church officers:

Elders - Smith Murphey, Teddy Morrow, Kay Wolfe, Roy Girner and Johnny Spencer.

Deacons - Steve McCord, Andrew Garner, Rob Maddux, Andrea Staten, Ben Graves, and David Maddux.

SNL Bowling Trip

On Sunday, Jan. 13th, SNL will use the newly-repaired church bus for a bowling trip to Oxford. A departure time from the church will be determined before Sunday. Please check your bulletin Sunday morning or contact Meg Woods for details.

Circle Meetings

The PW Afternoon Circle will meet Mon., Jan. 14th at 2:00 in the Rec. Room.

The PW Evening Circle will meet Tue., Jan. 15th at 6:00 PM in the Session room.

Food Pantry in January

We need 3 or 4 volunteers each Tuesday morning this month to work at the Food Pantry. You will need to be there at 9 a.m. and usually finish by 11:15 a.m. The work involves packaging groceries for clients. Men and women are welcome to volunteer. If you are interested, please contact the church office.

Thirst Quenchers Class

The Thirst Quenchers Young Adult Sunday School Class has begun meeting again after the holidays. New members are welcome. They meet upstairs in the corner room next to the Media Room at 9:45 am. Please contact Meredith Fleming if you have any questions at or 662-801-1585.

College Retreat

Camp Hopewell will host a retreat for college students on Feb. 8-10, 2008. David LaMotte from North Carolina will be the keynote/music leader. The cost is $45. The deadline to register is Jan. 24th. For more information, e-mail Allyson Ashmore at or call the camp at 662-234-2254. Scholarships are available. Please let us know if you need one.

Camp Hopewell Spring Schedule

Feb. 8-10 Collegiate Retreat age - College, $45

Feb. 15-17 - PYC Senior High Retreat, ages 14-18 , $72

Feb. 29 March 2 - PYC Junior High Retreat, ages 11-15, $72

April 6 - Hopewell Open House, all ages, Free

April 25-27 - XYZ Spring Retreat, ages 50+ , Fee to be announced