Wednesday, February 28, 2007

College Scholarship Applications

Graduating high school seniors who have been active members of BPC since March 1, 2006 and plan to attend a community college or university in the state of Mississippi are encouraged to pick up an application form for the J.C. Dunlap or Curry Scholarship in the church secretary's office beginning March 5 and return it by 2:00 P.M. on Monday, April 2, 2007. Recipients are chosen by an anonymous presbytery committee based on the quality of the applications received. The J.C. Dunlap Scholarship is given by Mr. Robert Dunlap to the glory of God and in honor of his father Mr. J.C. Dunlap. The John Curry Memorial Scholarship is given by Tommy and Billie Marshall to the glory of God and in honor of Mr. John C. Curry.

Spring Stewardship | Time & Talents Campaign

Our 2006 Spring Stewardship Campaign begins on Sunday, March 11th and will continue on Sunday, March 18th and 25th. During this time, you will have the opportunity to volunteer for all the upcoming children and youth programs for the year. Don’t miss out on your chance to give of your time and talents to the children and youth programs of BPC!

What is your talent?

Not all of us can sing, but some of us can cook; others can do arts and crafts; still others can teach Sunday School or help out with Vacation Bible School. All of us can pray for our church and our programs.

Please prayerfully consider how you can give of your time and talents. Sign up sheets are available on the tables at the front and back of the sanctuary and in the Recreation Room. Or you may pick up a brochure located on the table in the church office hallway, fill it out and return it to the church office!

Introduction to Centering Prayer

Batesville Presbyterian Church and Contemplative Outreach of West Tennessee will host an Introduction to Centering Prayer Program on Saturday, April 14, from 9:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. at Batesville Presbyterian Church. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. The cost is $45 per person and includes the workshop, six follow-up sessions, and the book Open Mind Open Heart by Thomas Keating. A light lunch will be provided. Call Jon Burnham at the church office at 662-563-3001 for more information or a Registration Form -or- call Mike Potter, Coordinator for Contemplative Outreach of West Tennessee at 901-274-3488 for more information about Centering Prayer.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Officers Kilt Check Party

All current Elders and Deacons and their spouses are invited to a Kilt Check Party at the home of Dot and Briggs Smith, 106 Quail Run Drive, at 7:00 P.M. on Saturday, March 3.

Kirkin’ Service Details

March 4th is the date for the Kirkin’ O’ the Tartans service which we will celebrate at 11:00 A.M. in the sanctuary. There will be no early worship service that day. Bring a dish and enjoy the pot-luck dinner after the service!

A representative from each family is invited to walk in the processional into the sanctuary at the beginning of the service. Please meet in the sanctuary at 10:45 A.M. to receive instructions before the processional begins.

Our preacher this year is Rev. Calum I. MacLeod, a native of Scotland. Rev. MacLeod serves as Associate Pastor at Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago. Rev. MacLeod is a colleague of Rev. Dana Ferguson who is also an Associate Pastor of Fourth Church. Rev. Ferguson will serve as liturgist for the service.

World Day of Prayer

This year Batesville Presbyterian Women will host the World Day of Prayer observance on Friday, March 2nd at 2:00 P.M. in the Recreation Room. This universal event is sponsored by Christian Women United; everyone is invited to attend this service.

Prayer List

Pat Hendren, Gayle Spencer, Betty Darby Cole, Arial Brasher, Jennifer Myers, Norman Scott, Jimbo Carr, Bobbie Jean Pounders, Dianne Lightsey, Banks Brasell, II, Bob Norris, Josh Patton, Wayne Darby, Dudley Beall, Bubba Bryan, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Sybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Donna Magee, Mike Kelly, Jr., Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Tony Ray, Georgia Seale, Cindy Staten, Johnny Walters

Worship Leaders 3/4

11:00 A.M. Ushers – Ray Poole, Ira Gail White, Laurie Monteith, Kenny Hopper

11:00 A.M. Greeters – Anabel Paulk, Russell Paulk, Jana Brock, Jay Williams

11:00 A.M. Acolytes – Mary Lynn Lewis & Emma Pittman

Youth Council

Any youth presently in grades 9, 10 or 11, who would like to serve on the Presbytery Youth Council may come by the church office to get an application form. The deadline for applications is Friday, March 2, 2007.

SNL 3/4

SNL will not meet this Sunday but will meet on March 11 for our closing program of the year, the Family Night Bingo. Plan to come on March 4.

PYF 3/4

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship will continue their silent art auction fund-raiser in the Recreation Room through Kirkin' Sunday, March 4.

PYF will not meet this Sunday evening due to the Kirkin' o' the Tartans service.

Kirkin’ O’ the Tartans ... Historical Roots

“Kirk” is the Scottish word for “church.” Tartans, with their distinctive plaids, represent specific Scottish clans, regions, or regiments. The “Kirkin’ O’ the Tartans” is the presentation of a Scottish family’s symbol, its tartan, at church for a blessing.

After Bonnie Prince Charlie’s Scottish forces were defeated by the English in 1746, the wearing of tartans and the playing of bagpipes were forbidden in Scotland for many years. Wearing or displaying of tartans was punishable by death. During those years, some Scots wore concealed pieces of their tartan when they attended church. At a particular point in the worship service, they would secretly touch their hidden tartan cloth, and the minister would offer a blessing. The first formal “Kirkin” in America was conducted at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C., in 1941. Their minister at the time was Dr. Peter Marshall, born in Scotland, who was also Chaplain of the United States Senate.

Beyond the particular heritage of Scotland and its people, Batesville Presbyterian Church’s Kirkin’ is intended to encourage all participants to reflect with thanksgiving, on their own family and ethnic heritage, and to celebrate God’s grace poured out for all generations.

Xyz Trip to Memphis

Pastor Jon Burnham will take the Xyz Group to Memphis for the Lenten Preaching Service and lunch at Calvary Episcopal Church on Wednesday, March 21. We will leave the church parking lot at 10:00 A.M. in the church van and return to the church at 2:00 P.M. Come and bring a friend!

Monday, February 26, 2007

BPC Kirkin' o' the Tartans

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Batesville Presbyterian Church invites everyone to join us for our annual Kirkin' o' the Tartans service this Sunday, March 4, 2007. The schedule of events includes a bagpipe concert in the sanctuary at 10:15 A.M. by the Wolfe River Bagpipe Band from Memphis and worship in the sanctuary at 11:00 A.M. led by Rev. Calum MacLeod of Glasgow, Scotland, and Rev. Dana Ferguson from Batesville, both of whom now serve as pastors at Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago.

"Kirkin' o' the Tartans" is an interesting phrase that aptly describes this loud and exuberant worship service. The Presbyterian Church originated in Scotland. "Kirk" is the Scottish word for "church." Tartans, with their distinctive plaids, represent specific Scottish clans, regions, or regiments. The "Kirkin' O' the Tartans" is the presentation of a Scottish family's symbol, its tartan, at church for a blessing. During the service at the Presbyterian Church this Sunday a representative from each family walks in the processional into the sanctuary at the beginning of the service. This person may bring a family tartan to place on the communion table or use one of the tartan cloths that will be provided by the church.

The Kirkin' o' the Tartans is an American adaptation of Scottish Presbyterian historical events. After Bonnie Prince Charlie's Scottish forces were defeated by the English in 1746, the wearing of tartans and the playing of bagpipes were forbidden in Scotland for many years. Wearing or displaying of tartans was punishable by death. During those years, some Scots wore concealed pieces of their tartan when they attended church. At a particular point in the worship service, they would secretly touch their hidden tartan cloth, and the minister would offer a blessing. The first formal "Kirkin" in America was conducted at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C., in 1941. Their minister at the time was Dr. Peter Marshall, born in Scotland, who was also Chaplain of the United States Senate.

Beyond the particular heritage of Scotland and its people, Batesville Presbyterian Church's Kirkin' is intended to encourage all participants to reflect with thanksgiving, on their own family and ethnic heritage, and to celebrate God's grace poured out for all generations.

PW Coordinating Team

The Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team will meet at 9:00 A.M. on Monday, March 5, at 9:00 A.M. in the Session Room.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

New Church Secretary

We are pleased to welcome Teresa Hargett as our new church secretary as of Monday, February 19. Teresa comes to us with experience, having served as church secretary at First United Methodist Church in Charleston.

Teresa is married to Wayne Hargett and has two grown sons.

She is an active member of Charleston First United Methodist Church. She is also involved in the North Mississippi Emmaus Walk, which is a 72-hour Christian retreat for all denominations. Her walk was in 2000, and she has since returned to work three more walks, with another walk coming up in April.

Stop by the church office and welcome Teresa or call her in the church office at 563-3001. We are so glad she is here. Welcome, Teresa!

Teresa Hargett

58 Sayle Lane

Charleston, MS 38921

(church office) 563-3001

(email Teresa Hargett)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Prayer List

Peggie Robertson, Betty Darby Cole, Jennifer Myers, Norman Scott, Jimbo Carr, Bobbie Jean Pounders, Dianne Lightsey, Banks Brasell, II, Bob Norris, Josh Patton, Wayne Darby, Dudley Beall, Bubba Bryan, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Sybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Donna Magee, Mike Kelly, Jr., Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Tony Ray, Georgia Seale, Cindy Staten, Johnny Walters

Kirkin' Schedule of Events

Kirkin’ o' the Tartans Service

Sunday, March 4

10:15 A.M.

Concert in sanctuary

11:00 A.M.

Worship Service in sanctuary


Pot-luck luncheon in Fellowship Hall

Kirkin' Blow Out | March 4 | 10:15 A.M. | BPC Sanctuary

Lost & Found

A Christmas table cloth was found in the kitchen. Call or come by the church office to claim it.

Two 'lost and found' tables from the kitchen cabinet are in the hallway by the kitchen. Please look at them this Sunday so they can be removed by March 4.

Thanks Suzan Graves

The congregation thanks Suzan Graves for her work in cleaning up under the counter in the Recreation Room and cleaning and organizing the kitchen.

Kirkin’ Service

March 4th is the date for the Kirkin’ O’ the Tartans service which we will celebrate at 11:00 A.M. in the sanctuary. There will be no early worship service that day. Bring a dish and enjoy the pot-luck dinner after the service!

A representative from each family is invited to walk in the processional into the sanctuary at the beginning of the service. Please meet in the sanctuary at 10:45 A.M. to receive instructions before the processional begins.

Our preacher this year is Rev. Calum I. MacLeod, a native of Scotland. Rev. MacLeod serves as Associate Pastor at Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago. Rev. MacLeod is a colleague of Rev. Dana Ferguson who is also an Associate Pastor of Fourth Church. Rev. Ferguson will serve as liturgist for the service.

Officers Kilt Check Party

All current Elders and Deacons and their spouses are invited to a Kilt Check Party at the home of Dot and Briggs Smith, 106 Quail Run Drive, at 7:00 P.M. on Saturday, March 3.

World Day of Prayer

This year Batesville Presbyterian Women will host the World Day of Prayer observance on Friday, March 2nd at 2:00 P.M. in the Recreation Room. This universal event is sponsored by Christian Women United; everyone is invited to attend this service.

PYF Activities 2/25

  • Presbyterian Youth Fellowship will continue their silent art auction fund-raiser in the Recreation Room through Kirkin' Sunday, March 4.
  • All PYF activities this Sunday evening will be in the Youth House beginning at 6:00 P.M. Pat and Mark Hendren will provide dinner for the youth at 7:00 P.M.

SNL 2/25

SNL will meet at the church this Sunday at 4:30 for a scavenger hunt/can food collection. We will end the scavenger hunt at Burger King. Please pick your child up at Burger King at 6:00. We will donate the can goods to the Panola Food Pantry.

Youth Council

Any youth presently in grades 9, 10 or 11, who would like to serve on the Presbytery Youth Council, please come by the church office to get an application form. The deadline for applications is Friday, March 2, 2007.

Worship Leaders 2/25

Nursery – Cathryn McKee, Jackie Herron

Wee Worship - Suzan Graves, Jake Kidder

9:00 A.M. Usher - Don Kilgore

11:00 A.M. Ushers – Andrea Staten, Matthew Herron, Bailey Holland, Bill Mundroff

11:00 A.M. Greeters – Ray Poole, Jenny Poole, Sarah Aston Baker, Claire Sanders

11:00 A.M. Acolytes – Will Kidder, Mason Herron

David LaMotte in Concert

Singer/Songwriter David LaMotte will perform at 7:00 p.m. on March 3, 2007, at Camp Hopewell. Children, youth and adults love David’s music so bring a friend, your family, or a group from your church. The cost is $10.00 per person and will benefit the Hopewell Pool Fund. This event is sponsored by the Presbytery Youth Council.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Seeking newspaper cut-out artist

Call the church office if you wish to volunteer to serve as our cut-out artist. Your task will be to cut out and post photos of church members from each edition of the Panolian. The church subscribes to the paper and you may use our newspaper. Help us maintain our "Pictured in the Press" bulletin board in the hallway by the secretary's office.

2007 Communion Schedule

  • Every Sunday at 9:00 A.M. during early worship
  • February 25: 1st Sunday of Lent (11:00 A.M.)
  • April 5: Maundy Thursday (7:00 P.M.)
  • October 7: World Communion Sunday (11:00 A.M.)
  • December 2: 1st Sunday of Advent (11:00 A.M.)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

PYF 2/11

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship will meet in the Youth House at 6:00 P.M. for canvass painting until 7:00 P.M., followed by dinner at 7:00 P.M. with a Bible study to follow.

SNL 2/11

Sunday Night Live will meet this Sunday from 3:30-5:00. We will visit and sing at Fairfield Assisted Living along with the Joyful Jammers.

Prayer List

Bobbie Jean Pounders, Dianne Lightsey, Banks Brasell, II, Bob Norris, Josh Patton, Wayne Darby, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, Bubba Bryan, Sarah Cummins, John Cody Dalrymple, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Bill Harmon, Sybil Jackson, Bobby Jones, Donna Magee, Mike Kelly, Jr., Frances Meurrier, Mary Lou Mitchell, Jeff Nichols, Frances Paulk, Tony Ray, Bill Robison, Georgia Seale, Cindy Staten, Johnny Walters

Thanks for contributions

Thanks to everyone who contributed money and a variety to items to the family of Betty Henry who lost their house in a fire. They are at home in a house trailer thanks to our help with the installation of a septic tank. Our church family has made a difference in the life of this family.

Thanks Kenneth

The congregation thanks Kenneth Brasell for trimming trees and landscaping and for work on the church playground.

Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship will serve a spaghetti lunch after the 11:00 A.M. worship service on Sunday, February 18, for $5.00 per person. Also that day PYF will hold a silent auction in the Recreation Room for artwork produced by the youth. Proceeds from these fund raisers will be used to provide scholarship assistance for youth attending the Montreat Youth Conference.

Worship Leaders 2/11

Nursery – Terri Broome, Debi Robison
Wee Worship - Sally Nickle, Meg Woods
9:00 A.M. Usher - Don Kilgore
11:00 A.M. Ushers – Andrea Staten, Matthew Herron, Taylor Riddick, Kenny Hopper
11:00 A.M. Greeters – Brad Clark, Colleen Clark, Haley Williams, Jay Williams
11:00 A.M. Acolytes – Russ Lewis, Mitchell Mundroff

Acolyte Training 2/18

Pastor Jon Burnham will provide training for parents and their children who are currently in the First Grade or older who would like to serve the church as an acolyte. Parents and children, come learn the how to light the candles before worship and we will put your name on the list of acolytes.

PW Meetings in February

The PW Afternoon Circle will meet in the Recreation Room at 2:00 P.M. on Monday, February 12.

The PW Morning Circle will meet at 9:30 A.M. on Tuesday, February 13, at the home of Mrs. Marty Snellgrove, 209 Westmoreland Circle.

Souper Bowl Offering Report

Thanks to all who contributed to our Souper Bowl Offering for the Panola County Food Bank. We collected $281.12 and all of it will go the food pantry.

Meetings 2/12

The Deacons meet at 6:00 P.M. on February 12 in the Session Room.

These committees meet at 6:30 P.M. in the church on February 12: Evangelism & Fellowship; Missions; and Worship.

The Session meets at 7:00 P.M. on February 12 in the Session Room.

Monday, February 05, 2007

2007 Committee Meeting Schedule

Administration; Christian Education; Endowment & Trusts:
January 15, April 9, July 9, October 8

Evangelism & Fellowship; Missions; Worship:
February 12, May 14, August 13, November 12

Membership; Property; Stewardship:
March 12, June 11, September 10, December 10

Welcome Rev. Ann Kelly

We welcome Rev. Ann Kelly to our pulpit on February 11. Ann was elected the new executive director on May 3rd, 2005, and she is serving as Moderator of the Presbytery of Saint Andrew this year. She grew up in First Presbyterian Church in Aberdeen, MS and started attending Camp Hopewell at the age of 10. She has held various roles of leadership at Hopewell including work as a volunteer and summer staff from 1978-1987. From 1985-1987 she worked at Hopewell year-round as Assistant Director before leaving to further explore her sense of call to the ordained ministry. She has worked as Director of Christian Education in our Oxford and Greenwood churches. A graduate of University of Mississippi and Columbia Theological Seminary, Ann served as Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Rogers, AK, before moving to Tupelo in June 1995 to become Associate pastor at First Presbyterian church there.
Ann is married to Danny Kelly, better known as “Dano” to former Hopewell staff and campers. Danny was on Hopewell staff from 1984 until 1988, and then again in 1995 when they moved to Tupelo. He is a math teacher for Oxford City Schools.
Ann and Danny have three children: Joseph, 11; Elizabeth, 8; and Daniel, 6. The entire family loves the outdoors, camping, hiking and just exploring and enjoying God’s creation.

Souper Bowl Offering

Thanks to all who contributed to our Souper Bowl Offering for the Panola County Food Bank. We collected $281.12 and all of it will go the food pantry.

Congrats to Lindsay

Congratulations to Lindsay Henry for being a club member of the Batesville Sub-Deb Cotillion during this her senior year at North Delta where she is also an honor roll student. Her birthday is February 25. Lindsay also works at Promises and Praise Christian Bookstore in Oxford.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Christian Sympathy

Our Christian sympathy is with the family of Sharon Henry upon the death of her brother, Danny Roberts, in Charleston.

Thanks from Banks

My time in the hospital was made easier because your care and concern. The calls, snacks, balloons, gifts, visits, and text messages are remembered with warmth and gratitude. Your prayers were felt by me and my family, and gave us comfort.

My eye an other injuries are healing more each. I feel that I will be back in school in no time at all.

Thank you,


Dear church family,

You have stretched out our hands to us and we have been comforted. We rejoice with full hearts on the continuing recovery of Banks. "And you faith will make you well ..."

In grateful appreciation,
The Brasell Family