- Pastor Jon Burnham seeks volunteers to read scripture, lead the children’s sermon and/or lead some parts of the liturgy such as the Call to Worship during the 11:00 A.M. worship service on some Sundays. Please speak to Jon or use the sign-up sheet in the hallway across from the pastor’s study.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Seeking Worship Liturgists
Fall Picnic on October 15
- The Fall Church Picnic will be held on Sunday, October 15th, at 5:00 P.M. in the back yard of the Whitten House. Plan to come and enjoy the food and fellowship – invite a friend!
Church Pictorial Directory
- All church members please mark your calendar for October 4th & 5th, Wednesday and Thursday, from 3:00 P.M. until 9:30 P.M. Plan to have your photo taken at the church by Olan Mills Photography for our church pictorial directory.
Church Van Drivers Needed
- We need volunteers to drive our new church van. For insurance purposes you may need to get an upgraded driver’s license. The church will be happy to pay the expenses for this. Speak to Claire Sanders if you are interested.
XYZ Fall Trip, Oct. 26-29
Montreat Conference Center ~ “Is God Calling You and Getting a Busy Signal?”
Camp Hopewell is arranging this trip for adults 50+. Check the bulletin board across from Jon’s office for more details about the conference and trip. Deadline to sign up is September 7th. Call Jennifer at Camp Hopewell, 662-234-2254, to reserve your spot!2007 Nominating Committee
- The following church members have agreed to serve on the 2007 Nominating Committee if elected at the congregational meeting on Sunday, September 3rd, during the 11:00 A.M. worship service: Bill Robison (Moderator), David Honnoll, Kevin Henry, Daniel Lightsey, Claire Sanders, Connie Waldrup, Jay Williams, and Kay Wolfe. Nominations from the floor will also be accepted provided the person being nominated has agreed to serve if elected.
College Student Addresses
- Parents please call or email the church office with your college student’s mailing address and email address. Thanks!
XYZ Bible Study ~ 9/6
- Dr. Jon Burnham will resume teaching the Wednesday Bible Study on September 6th at 11:00 A.M. in the Recreation Room and the class will continue each Wednesday thereafter. All adults are invited to participate in this lectionary discussion group. Bring a sandwich if you want to stay for lunch after the study.
Monday Night Circle 9/5
~ Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World ~
Please join us for the reading and discussion of this wonderful book. Our first gathering is: Tuesday, September 5th, 6:00-7:30 P.M. at The Whitten House. Bring an open mind, a receptive heart, a sense of humor, and a sincere desire for a “heart-to-heart intimacy” with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A nursery will be provided at the church.PYF 9/3
- PYF will meet at the youth house for “Ultimate Games Night” at 6:00 P.M. this Sunday, September 3rd.
Worship Leaders 9/3
- Nursery – Susan Hardy, Margaret Nix
- Wee Worship – Karen Cole, Mandy Henry
- 8:30 A.M. Usher – Don Kilgore
- 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Chris Ware, Matthew Herron, Paulette Norman, Kenny Hopper
- Greeters – Jana Brock, Jeff Brock, Hunter Brock, Bryan Nickle
- Acolytes – Mitchell Mundroff, Will Kidder
Congregational Meeting~9/3
- The Session has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, September 3rd, during the 11:00 A.M. worship service. The purpose of the meeting is to elect a Nominating Committee which will nominate church officers for next year.
Christian Sympathy
- Our Christian sympathy is with Brad Clark and family in the death of his grandfather, Bill Clark.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Rally Day August 27
Sunday School
Rally Day
August 27th, 10:00 A.M.
BPC Sanctuary
Children ages 4 through 6th grade will meet in the sanctuary at 10:00 A.M. to meet the new Sunday School teachers and then dismiss to the Sunday School classroom.
Make your plans to join us as we celebrate Sunday School Rally Day!
PYF ~ Saturday, 8/26/06
- This weekend PYF is on Saturday so we will not meet during our normal time on Sunday. Saturday morning we are going to Camp Hopewell to do the high challenge course. We will meet at the church at 7:30 A.M. and should return around 1:30 P.M. You will need to bring money for lunch and your release form signed by a parent. If you don’t have a form already, they can be signed that morning when you are dropped off at the church. Do not wear a skirt, dress, or pants with an elastic waist. Shorts must be of the longer type and not have an elastic waist. Wear soft shoes like sneakers and socks and a minimum of a t-shirt long enough to tuck in is required. This event will be a great group building experience jam packed with excitement.
Worship Leaders 8/27/06
- Nursery – Ann Avery, Amanda Lee
- Wee Worship – Sarah Ashton Baker, Missy Baker
- 8:30 A.M. Usher – Andrea Staten
- 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Adam Pittman, Kevin Henry, Daniel Lightsey, Rob Maddux
- Greeters – Haley Williams, Jay Williams, Lucile Monk, Ira Gail White
- Acolytes – Emma Pittman, Mary Lynn Lewis
Congregational Meeting September 3
- The Session has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, September 3rd, during the 11:00 A.M. worship service. The purpose of the meeting is to elect a Nominating Committee which will nominate church officers for next year.
Wednesday Bible Study
- Dr. Jon Burnham will resume teaching the Wednesday Bible Study on September 6th at 11:00 A.M. in the Recreation Room and the class will continue each Wednesday thereafter. All adults are invited to participate in this lectionary discussion group. Bring a sandwich if you want to stay for lunch after the study.
BPC Fall Picnic
XYZ Fall Trip
“Is God Calling You and Getting a Busy Signal?”
Prayer List
- Louise Bagwell, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, Bubba Bryan, Bill Clark, Lucy Clark, Kathy Davidson, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Buddy Gray, Bill Harmon, Bobby Hays, Mike Kelly, Jr., J. T. Ketchum, Andy Kozain, Kay Long, Dr. Rupe Lovelace, Bebe Lyon, Carole Martin, Kayla Massey, Hazel McBride, Allison McCord, Frances Meurrier, Jeff Nichols, Paulette Norman, Calvin Patton, Ralph Pitcock, Cindy Staten, Brandon Taylor, Mike Turner, Jonathan Ware, Johnny Walters.
PW Meeting 8/28/06
- The PW Coordinating Team will meet on Monday, August 28th, at 9:00 A.M. in the Session Room.
College Student Addresses
- Parents, please call or email the church office with your college student’s mailing address and email address. We want to keep those at college connected to their church family. Thanks!
Monday Night Circle
- Janey Graves-Ginn is interested in leading a book study for women this fall from 6:00-7:00 P.M. on the first Monday night of each month. She has proposed Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver as the group’s first book. Joanna Weaver is an award-winning author, pastor’s wife, and mother of two. Her articles have appeared in such publications as Focus on the Family, Guideposts, and Home Life. Group members will decide on subsequent readings together. This group would function as the PW Night Circle.
- Interested? Sign up in the church office hallway or email Janey for more details at jginn@olemiss.edu. A nursery will be provided.
Church Van Drivers Needed
- We need volunteers to drive our new church van. For insurance purposes you may need to get an upgraded driver’s license. The church will be happy to pay the expenses for this. Speak to Claire Sanders if you are interested.
Church Pictorial Directory
- All church members please mark your calendar for October 4th and 5th, Wednesday and Thursday, from 3:00 P.M. until 9:30 P.M. Plan to have your photo taken at the church by Olan Mills Photography for our church pictorial directory. Each family will receive one free 8” x 10” photo and may order other photos if you wish but there is no obligation to order anything. More details will follow as the date approaches. At this point, simply mark your calendar.
Welcome Visitors
We welcome these who visited in our church on Sunday, August 20th:
Nick Roberson, Zach Hardy, Rick Stone,
Victoria Stone, Kyle Foshee, Darin MaierSeeking Worship Liturgists
- Pastor Jon Burnham seeks volunteers to read scripture, lead the children's sermon and/or lead some parts of the liturgy such as the Call to Worship during the 11:00 A.M. worship service on some Sundays. Please speak to Jon or use the sign-up sheet in the hallway across from the pastor's study if you will lead worship on some Sunday mornings.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
The Welcome Prayer
I spoke about “The Welcome Prayer” in my sermon on August 13th. I learned about this prayer during a recent continuing education retreat at Sacred Heart Monastery in Cullman, Alabama. Someone asked me to put a synopsis of the Welcome Prayer in the newsletter so here goes.
An energetic New Yorker named Mary Mrozowski is the founding genius behind the Welcome Prayer which is a Christian prayer that deals with afflictive emotions such as anger, pride, greed, lust, and even physical pain.
There are three steps to the Welcome Prayer. First, become aware of an emotion rising within and focus on the feeling it brings. Try to determine which emotion you are feeling and name the emotion if you can. Now welcome God into the feeling. For instance, if the feeling is anger, slowly and gently say, “Welcome anger. Welcome anger. Welcome anger.” Stay with the emotion you are feeling – sort of like kneading a charley horse in your leg – going back and forth between “focusing” on the feeling and “welcoming” God into the feeling until the knot begins to dissolve of its own accord. Stay with the feeling and do not be in a hurry to dismiss it. When you are ready to let go of the feeling, say something like “I let go of my anger,” or, if you prefer, “I give my anger to God.” The Welcome Prayer is a spiritual technique that helps us fulfill the Apostle Paul’s admonition in Ephesians 4:26 which instructs us to “be angry but do not sin.”
For a more complete description read the chapter titled “The Welcoming Prayer” written by Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault in her book Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening which can be ordered online at www.amazon.com. My sermon called “The Welcome Prayer” is available online at jonbsermons.blogspot.com.
Jon B.Fall & Spring Sunday School Teachers
3, 4, & 5 year olds:
Teachers ~ Susan Hardy, Jennifer Colbert
Substitute Teachers ~ Haley Williams,
Sally Nickle
1st & 2nd graders:
Teacher ~ Sally Robison
Substitute Teacher ~ Allison McCord
3rd & 4th graders:
Teacher ~ Janey Ginn
Substitute Teacher ~ Terri Broome
5th & 6th graders:
Teacher ~ Laurie Monteith
Substitute Teacher ~ Molly Hawkins
Teacher ~ Adam Pittman
Substitute Teachers ~ Bill Mundroff & Jay Williams
Men’s Lester Bible Class:
Teacher ~ Erik Broome
Women’s Emma Graves Class:
Teacher ~ John White
Adult Contemporary Class:
Teacher ~ David Honnoll
Struggling Sinners Class:
Teacher ~ Rev. David SnellgroveMerea Ministry
- The Session encourages anyone who would like to learn more about the adult literacy program for women called the Merea Ministry to contact Nancy Spencer, 563-2971.
Church Van Drivers Needed
- We need volunteers to drive our new church van. For insurance purposes you may need to get an upgraded driver’s license. The church will be happy to pay the expenses for this. Speak to Claire Sanders if you are interested.
Montreat Patrons Sought
- The Session invites any interested person to contribute to the Patron’s Fund of Montreat Conference Center. For more information visit Montreat online or see the materials on the table in the hallway by the church office.
Montreat Patrons Sought
- The Session invites any interested person to contribute to the Patron’s Fund of Montreat Conference Center. For more information visit Montreat online or see the materials on the table in the hallway by the church office.
Church Pictorial Directory
- All church members please mark your calendar on October 4th and 5th, Wednesday and Thursday, from 3:00 P.M. until 9:30 P.M. Plan to have your photo taken at the church by Olan Mills Photography for our church pictorial directory. Each family will receive one free 8” x 10” photo and may order other photos if you wish but there is no obligation to order anything. More details will follow as the date approaches. At this point, simply mark your calendar.
Congregational Meeting 9/3/06
- The Session has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, September 3rd, during the 11:00 A.M. worship service. The purpose of the meeting is to elect a Nominating Committee which will nominate church officers for next year.
Worship Leaders 8/20/06
- Nursery – Jana Brock, Linda Taylor
- Wee Worship – Molly Hawkins, Sarah Dell Gray
- 8:30 A.M. Usher – Andrea Staten
- 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Adam Pittman, Kevin Henry, Howard Hawkins, Debi Honnoll
- Greeters – Colleen Clark, Brad Clark, Suzan Graves, Ben Graves
- Acolytes – Canice Nickle, Charley Ann Nix
Sunday School Teachers 8/20/06
3, 4, & 5 year olds: Sara Helen Ware
1st – 4th graders: Michelle Mundroff
5th – 6th graders: Jana BrockPYF 8/26/06
- PYF members – mark your calendar for the high-challenge course at Camp Hopewell on August 26th. We will meet at the church that morning at 7:30 A.M. and should return around 1:00 P.M. It is an event you don’t want to miss!
PYF 8/20/06
- This Sunday PYF will be at Jenny and Jason Herron’s house from 6:00-8:00 P.M. They will have a huge blowup water slide for your entertainment so bring your swim suit. If you need a ride, meet at the church at 5:45 P.M.
Welcome Visitors
- We welcome Sara Mitchell, Zach Cole, Amanda Lamb who visited in our church on Sunday, August 13th.
Welcome New Member
- At their meeting on August 14, 2006, the Session received Robert “Red” O. Riddick into official membership in Batesville Presbyterian Church. Mr. Red has been a friend of the church for many years and we are happy to now welcome him as an active member. Mr. Red joins us by transfer of letter from the Coffeeville Presbyterian Church.
Baptism Announcement
- Congratulations to Cohen Swain, son of Leslie and Wesley Swain and grandson of Candy and Kenny Hopper, who was baptized last Sunday at Grace Presbyterian Church in Lafayette, LA.
Wedding Congratulations
- Congratulations to Anne-Marie Jones and Russel Carlson who were married on Saturday, July 22, 2006.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Marvelous Mondays ends with a bang!
Sunday School Rally Day
- Mark your calendar now and make plans to attend Sunday School Rally Day which will be on Sunday, August 27th, at 9:45 A.M. Look for more details in next week’s newsletter!
Thank You
- Thank you to everyone who donated items for the Yard Sale last Saturday for Habitat for Humanity. We made around $1,000 which will be used to build a house on donated land in Sardis.
Mothers Day Out Opening
- There is one opening for the Fall enrollment in the Mothers Day Out Program of BPC. This is the last week to register, so please call Director Cindy Brown, 563-2829 for more information if you are interested!
Prayer List
- Louise Bagwell, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, Bubba Bryan, Lucy Clark, Cole Correro, Kathy Davidson, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Randy Garner, Buddy Gray, Bill Harmon, Bobby Hays, Mike Kelly, Jr., J. T. Ketchum, Andy Kozain, Kay Long, Bebe Lyon, Carole Martin, Kayla Massey, Hazel McBride, Frances Meurrier, Jim Minor, Paulette Norman, Ralph Pitcock, Cindy Staten, Brandon Taylor, Mike Turner, Jonathan Ware, Johnny Walters, Family of Sue Wooten.
PW Cluster Meeting 8/12/06
- All Presbyterian Women are invited to the area Cluster Meeting this Saturday, August 12th, at the Bethel Presbyterian Church in Olive Branch. Registration will be at 9:00 A.M. and the meeting will begin at 10:00 A.M. A meal will be served at lunch and the cost is $6.00.
- Please call Ruth Kelly, 578-6805 if you plan to attend.
Monday Night Circle
- Janey Graves-Ginn is interested in leading a book study for women this fall from 6:00-7:00 P.M. on the first Monday night of each month. She has proposed Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver as the group’s first book. Joanna Weaver is an award-winning author, pastor’s wife, and mother of two. Her articles have appeared in such publications as Focus on the Family, Guideposts and Home Life. Group members will decide on subsequent readings together. This group would function as the PW Night Circle.
- Interested? Sign up in the church office hallway or email Janey for more details at jginn@oldmiss.edu. A nursery will be provided.
Thank You
Dear Presbyterian Church Family,
The breakfast and service honoring the Seniors of 2006 was just lovely! Thank you so much for everything, especially my new Bible. What a blessing it is to have such wonderful friends in Christ! I wish you all the best in years to come.
Thank you again and God bless.
Molly CoxPYF 8/26/06
- PYF members – mark your calendar for the high-challenge course at Camp Hopewell on August 26th. We will meet at the church that morning at 7:30 A.M. and should return around 1:00 P.M. It is an event you don’t want to miss!
Officer & Committee Meetings in August
- The Deacons will meet on Monday, August 14th, at 6:00 P.M. in the Session Room.
- The Endowment & Trusts Committee, Stewardship Committee, and Worship Committee will meet at 6:30 P.M. on Monday, August 14th, at the church.
- The Session will meet on Monday night, August 14th, at 7:00 P.M. in the Session Room.
PYF 8/13/06
- This Sunday PYF is going to a Redbirds game in Memphis. We will meet at the church at 1:00 P.M. and return at 8:00 P.M. You will need to bring money for snacks and dinner.
Sunday School Teachers 8/13/06
3, 4, 5 year olds: Haley Williams
1st – 4th graders: Michelle Mundroff
5th – 6th graders: Dianne CumminsWorship Leaders 8/13/06
- Nursery – Jackie Herron, Sara Helen Ware
- Wee Worship – Susan Lewis, Mary Lynn Lewis
- 8:30 A.M. Usher – Andrea Staten
- 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Adam Pittman, Kevin Henry, Nicole Risner, Bailey Holland
- Greeters – Candy Hopper, Kenny Hopper, Debi Honnoll, Bill Mundroff
- Acolytes – Jennifer Burnham, Emily Appleton
Welcome Visitors
We welcome these who visited in our church on Sunday, August 6th:
Zack Hardy, Cate Hitchcock, Darin
Maier, Jay Burchfield, Nina Rogers,
Rebecca Lipe, Larry Lipe, Susan Turner,
Sandra Swindoll, Rebecca York Bell,
Leslie Anne Bell, Walton Bell, Heather
Young, Andy Young, Ainsley Young,
Lexie Young, Riley Young, Jackie Guest,
Glenda Bailey, Bobbie Pounders, Sherry
Clark, Randy Clark, Bill Clark, Pearl Clark,
Jan Clark, Marty Clark, Jacob Clark,
Maureen Frey, Jennifer Michaelis, Mike
Michaelis, Kendall Michaelis.Wednesday, August 02, 2006
PW Cluster Meeting
Presbyterian Women
Cluster Meeting
August 12th
- All Presbyterian Women are invited to the area Cluster Meeting on Saturday, August 12th, at the Bethel Presbyterian Church in Olive Branch. Registration will be at 9:00 A.M. and the meeting will begin at 10:00 A.M. A meal will be served at lunch and the cost is $6.00. Please call Ruth Kelly, 578-6805, if you plan to attend.
Monday Night Circle
- Janey Graves-Ginn is interested in leading a book study for women this fall from 6:00-7:00 P.M. on the first Monday night of each month. She has proposed Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver as the group’s first book. Joanna Weaver is an award-winning author, pastor’s wife, and mother of two. Her articles have appeared in such publications as Focus on the Family, Guideposts, and Home Life. Group members will decide on subsequent readings together. This group would function as the PW Night Circle.
- Interested? Sign up in the church office hallway or email Janey for more details at jginn@olemiss.edu. A nursery will be provided.
Lost and Found Box
- A “Lost and Found” box has been set up in the Recreation Room. If you have lost or misplaced something while at church you might find it in this box.
Prayer List
- Louise Bagwell, Barbara Bailey, Dudley Beall, Tyler Benson, Bubba Bryan, Lucy Clark, Cole Correro, Kathy Davidson, Danny Ferguson, Olivia Fitch, Randy Garner, Buddy Gray, Bill Harmon, Bobby Hays, Monroe Harrison, Jerry Herron, Family of Frank Kelly, Mike Kelly, Jr., J. T. Ketchum, Andy Kozain, Kay Long, Bebe Lyon, Carole Martin, Kayla Massey, Hazel McBride, Frances Meurrier, Jim Minor, Paulette Norman, Brandon Taylor, Mike Turner, Jonathan Ware, Johnny Walters, Sue Wooten.
- Please call the church office, 563-3001, to add or remove a name from this list. Thanks!
Mothers Day Out Opening
- There is one opening for the Fall enrollment in the Mothers Day Out Program of BPC. Please call Director Cindy Brown, 563-2829 for more information.
Marvelous Mondays ~ Thank You
- The Marvelous Mondays activities wrapped up for the summer this past Monday, July 31st, with swimming and lunch at the home of Mary Tom and David Vance. The children had a wonderful time swimming and were treated to a delicious hamburger and hot dog lunch prepared by Mary Tom and David. Thank you, Mary Tom & David, for a great farewell activity!
- Special thanks to: Sarah Dell & Buddy Gray, Rita & Hal Herron, and Jenny & Ray Poole who graciously donated the use of their swimming pool for our enjoyment throughout the summer; Jade & Fred Henry for spending time on several occasions to teach us how to make pretty pottery pieces; Susie VanDyke, Molly Hawkins, Susan Lewis, Jake Kidder, and Sara Helen Ware who went as chaperones and provided transportation to the movies and to Fairfield; Michelle Mundroff and Haley Williams who were in charge of the Marvelous Mondays program this summer; and anyone else who gave of their time and talent for the activities of the Marvelous Mondays summer program. We had good crowds and lots of fun! Thanks so much for your support of this program!
Habitat for Humanity Yard Sale
Office parking lot of Dr. Andy Garrott (113 Eureka St.)
We are raising money to build a house on donated land in Sardis. Do you have extra furniture or lamps taking up valuable space in your home? Do you have good children’s clothing or shoes to help those in need? Perfume, lotion, and jewelry are always hot sellers, too!
Officer & Committee Meetings in August
- The Deacons will meet on Monday night, August 14th, at 6:00 P.M. in the Session Room.
- The Endowment & Trusts Committee, Stewardship Committee, and Worship Committee will meet at 6:30 P.M. on Monday night, August 14th, at 6:30 P.M. at the church.
- The Session will meet on Monday night, August 14th, at 7:00 P.M. in the Session Room.
Worship Leaders 8/6/06
- Nursery – Beverly Patton, Cathryn McKee
- Wee Worship – Jana Burnham, Gina Kilgore
- 8:30 A.M. Usher – Andrea Staten
- 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Adam Pittman, Kevin Henry, Kenny Hopper, Bill Mundroff
- Greeters – Nancy Spencer, Johnny Spencer, Claire Sanders, Billie Garner
- Acolytes – Jackson Burnham, Russ Lewis
August Sunday School Teachers
3, 4, & 5 year olds: Amanda Lee
1st – 4th graders: Michelle Mundroff
5th – 6th graders: Molly Hawkins
Sunday, August 13th:
3, 4, & 5 year olds: Haley Williams
1st – 4th graders: Michelle Mundroff
5th – 6th graders: Dianne Cummins
Sunday, August 20th:
3, 4, & 5 year olds: Sara Helen Ware
1st – 4th graders: Michelle Mundroff
5th – 6th graders: Jana BrockWelcome Visitors
We welcome these who visited in our church on Sunday, July 30th:
Annie Lou Curtis, Gene Brown, Tyler Brewer, Amanda Lamb.
Christian Sympathy
- Our Christian sympathy is with the family of Helen B. Kelly upon the recent death of her brother-in-law, Frank Kelly.
Baptism This Sunday
- Elizabeth Frey Clark, daughter of Colleen and Brad Clark, will be baptized during the 11:00 A.M. worship service on Sunday, August 6, 2006.