Friday, April 21, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Birth Announcement
Bay Newell Brush, son of Lisa and David Brush, was born on April 20,
2006. He weighed 7 lbs. 12 ounces. Bay is the grandson of Jann
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Christian Sympathy
Our Christian sympathy is with the family of W.D. Gordon who died on
April 19, 2006. Mr. Gordon is the father of our long-time organist,
Reggie Gordon. The family requests memorials be given to the Reggie
Gordon Flower Fund. Visitation is this Saturday, April 22, at 10:00
A.M. at First Baptist Church with the funeral to follow at 11:00 A.M.
on Saturday, April 22, at First Baptist Church in Batesville.
PYF Scavenger Hunt on April 23, 2006
- This Sunday we are going to a cabin in the country for a scavenger hunt that will test your skills out in the wild. We will meet at the church at 5:00 P.M. and return at 8:00 P.M. This includes Jr. High as well.
Worship Leaders on April 23, 2006
- Nursery – Missy Baker, Sarah Ashton Baker
- Wee Worship–Sara Helen Ware, Chris Ware
- 8:30 A.M. Usher – David Maddux
- 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Andrea Staten, Adam Pittman, Sadie Broome, Scott Honnoll
- Greeters – Susan Lewis, Cooper Lewis, Lucile Monk, Paulette Norman
- Acolytes – Jennifer Burnham, Mary Lynn Lewis
Baptism on April 23, 2006
- Maggie Grace Henry, daughter of Mandy & Kevin Henry and granddaughter of Peggy & Wallace Henry, will be baptized during the 11:00 A.M. worship service on April 23, 2006.
Welcome Visitors on Easter Sunday
Sadie Jackson, Geoffrey Jackson, Kate
Jackson, Christian Jackson, Chris Jackson,
Bobby Reed, Rebecca Reed, Christopher
Reed, Calvin King, Jr., Matt Portia, Anna
Katharine Tye, Dixie Lamb, Mazie Lamb,
Mitchell Daugherty, Magda Gonzalez,
Chloe Gonzalez, Amanda Wolfe, George
Randolph, Faye Lewis, Jessica Ellis,
Ann Haynes, Michael Magee, Jeff Magee,
Kelley Magee, Will Magee, Rusty Lamb,
Missy Cannon, Mary Alice Wink, Bob
Wink, Pat Baker, Charlie Baker, Brad
Greenlee, Julie Greenlee, Michael Cole,
Machael Sorrells, Mary Frances Woods,
Kaila Duarte, Helen Kelly, Travis
Matthews, Betty Jane Matthews, Chris
Pino, Carly Ginn, Betty McMillian,
Calvin Patton, Roxann Patton, Josh
Patton, Hali Ragon, Whitney Prather,
Tyler Brewer, Virginia Harrison, Jean
Robison, Hank Robison, Sabina Szylobryt,
Windham Vance, Darin Mair, Brooke
Vance, Bryce Colbert, Britt Colbert, Jennifer
Colbert, Mary Ellen Wills, Ken Wills, Libby
Minor, Bobby Risner, Carey Prather, Joe
VanDyke, Gerry VanDyke, Leonard
VanDyke, Tanner Cruse, Loren Cruse,
Shannon Cruse, Tory Cruse, Maria Prather,
Bryan Prather, Katie Prather.Christian Sympathy
- Our Christian sympathy is with Ruth Kelly and family in the death of her brother-in-law, Bernie Bruce.
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering Update
- A total of $867.00 was given to the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering on Easter Sunday. Thank you to everyone who generously gave to support Presbyterian Disaster Assistance through this offering.
Easter Egg Hunt Thanks
- We had a perfect day to hunt eggs on Saturday, April 15th! Thank you to Jane & George Carlson who graciously hosted our hunt and to PYF who hid the eggs. An eager group of hunters and parents turned out for this annual event. Thank you to all who made the hunt possible!
Senior Sunday on May 7, 2006
- Presbyterian Women will honor our 2006 graduating seniors and their parents with a brunch at the home of Dot and Briggs Smith on Sunday, May 7, 2006 at 9:30 A.M.
- Seniors being honored are: Sadie Broome, Molly Cox, William Garner, Stuart Risner, Justin Rogers, Garret Stone, Josh Boren, Patrick Ellis, and Katie Prather. The graduates will also be recognized at the 11:00 A.M. worship service on that same day, Sunday, May 7, 2006.
Presbytery Meeting on May 2, 2006
- The Presbytery of St. Andrew will have the Spring stated meeting at the Waterford Church at 9:00 A.M. on May 2, 2006.
Inquirer’s Class on April 30 - May 28, 2006
- Dr. Jon Burnham will teach an Inquirer's Class each Sunday in the Upper Room church school class from 9:45 A.M. until 10:30 A.M. beginning April 30th and concluding on May 28th when those who take the class may join the church if they wish. The class is open to anyone considering joining the church and current members who wish to learn more about the church.
Scholarship Presentation 4/30/06
- The Endowment and Trusts Committee will award a scholarship from the church during the 11:00 A.M. worship service on April 30, 2006.
Vacation Bible School on June 19-23, 2006
Adventure of the
Treasure Seekers
Exploring God's Promises
Vacation Bible School
June 19th-23rd
We invite all children ages 4 through 5th grade to be a part of the excitement at our Vacation Bible School, Adventure of the Treasure Seekers: Exploring God's Promises.
With this archaeology-themed VBS, children will be transformed into young archaeologists or Treasure Seekers. Each day, they will dig into the Word of God to discover one of God's most previous promises. Through daily "Discovery Digs," children will find treasures that will remind them of these promises. The Bible stories presented at Promise Point will illustrate the promise and encourage further exploration into the Bible. Your children will extend their learning through every activity: making their own special treasures in the Art-i-facts lab, enjoying tasty snacks at the Canteen Cabana, singing fun Treasure Seekers tunes at Rhythm Rock, learning how to share God's treasures with others at Mission Tel, and participating in recreational activities at Treasure Track.
Confirmands reaffirm faith on Easter Sunday
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Maundy Thursday Worship 4/13/06
- Come and celebrate communion and a tennebrae service this Thursday, April 13th, at 7:00 P.M. in the sanctuary.
Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, 04/15/06
- The annual Easter Egg Hunt is planned for Saturday, April 15th, at 11:00 A.M. at the home of Jane and George Carlson, 505 College Street. Children – please remember to bring 2 dozen plastic filled eggs with you. Thanks a lot and we'll see you there!
Confirmation Class on Easter Sunday
- These Confirmation Class members have been received as confirmed members by the Session and will be recognized during the 11:00 A.M. service on Easter Sunday: Sarah Ashton Baker, Adam Cummins, Calvin Hawkins, Mary Jane Morrow, Bryan Nickle, Walker Robison, Spencer VanDyke, and Carlee Woods.
Worship Leaders on Easter Sunday
- Nursery – Sally Nickle, Vicki Robison
- Worship – Connie Waldrup, Susan Hardy
- 8:30 A.M. Usher – David Maddux
- 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Andrea Staten, Adam Pittman, Kenneth Brasell, Howard Hawkins
- Greeters – Nancy Spencer, Johnny Spencer, Anabelle Paulk, Russel Paulk
- Acolytes – Mitchell Mundroff, Canice Nickle
Presbyterian Women / Special Gathering
- On Sunday, April 30th, PW will gather for our annual Birthday Celebration. All women of BPC, including members of the Morning, Afternoon, and Night Circles are invited to attend a Potluck Salad Luncheon in the Recreation Room immediately following the 11:00 A.M. worship service. Just bring your favorite salad dish and join us for this special event! Remember, the annual Birthday Offering will be received during the program.
PYF High Challenge
- PYF members mark your calendar for the High Challenge Course on Saturday, April 29th, at Camp Hopewell. We will meet at the church at 11:00 A.M. and return at 5:00 P.M. This will be an event you will not want to miss!
Men's Softball
- The City of Batesville's Church softball league begins the week of May 8th. If you are interested in playing on the men's team, contact Jay Williams at 934-6146. It will cost $25 per person to play plus the cost of a jersey if you don't already have one from the previous years.
Inquirer's Class
- Dr. Jon Burnham will teach an Inquirer's Class each Sunday in the Upper Room church school class from 9:45 A.M. until 10:30 A.M. beginning April 30th and concluding on May 28th when those who take the class may join the church if they wish. The class is open to anyone considering joining the church and current members who wish to learn more about the church.
Welcome New Member
- We welcome Ruth Kelly as an active member of our church. Ruth had previously been an affiliate member and now has become an active member.
Welcome Visitors
Rebecca York Bell, Leslie Anne Bell,
Walton Bell, Maria Prather, Bryan Prather,
Carey Prather, Kelly Major, Jonathan
Mackey, Kyle Foshee, Sally Durr.
Wedding Congratulations
- Congratulations to Jennifer Myers and Reggie Garner who were married in the sanctuary of Batesville Presbyterian Church on Saturday, April 8, 2006.
Christian Sympathy
- Our Christian sympathy is with the family of Claudia Burkes in the death of her nephew, William Tyler Gray, who died last weekend.
Prayer List
- Dudley Beall, Bernie Bruce, Ann Burford, Lucy Clark, Kathy Davidson, Danny Ferguson, Bobby Hays, Jerry Holloway, Mike Kelly, Jr., Jay Kilpatrick, Andy Kozain, Kay Long, Bebe Lyon, Hazel McBride, Carole Martin, Kayla Massey, Jim Minor, Erica Neyenn, Delaney Perry, Peggie Robertson, Mike Turner, Lib Vinson, Johnny Walters, Sue Wooten.
Teachers Needed
- Our drive for Time and Talents yielded many volunteers for our programs yet help is still needed in some crucial areas. Teachers for Sunday School and Vacation Bible School are still needed. If we do not have volunteers, we will not have classes. Please consider where you can serve and sign up on the bulletin board across from the pastor's office. Thanks!
Spring Picnic 06/04/06
- Mark your calendar now for our next big church wide fellowship event which is the Spring Picnic at the church on Sunday, June 4, 2006 at 5:30 P.M.
Vacation Bible School
- We are inviting all children ages 4 through 5th grade to be a part of the excitement at our Vacation Bible School, "Adventure of the Treasure Seekers: Exploring God's Promises." With this archaeology-themed VBS, children will be transformed into young archaeologists or Treasure Seekers. Come dig with us at BPC on June 19th – 23rd from 9:00 A.M. until Noon.
- Volunteers are needed. Call Haley Williams at 563-9092 or Sara Helen Ware at 578-3983.
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering 4/16/06
- Come prepared to give to the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering on Easter Sunday, April 16th, at the 8:30 and 11:00 A.M. worship services.
Church Van Giving
- The church has received $1,285 toward the purchase of a larger church van that we recently bought. Thank you to those who have given! If every family gives $300 we can pay for the van instead of taking money from our savings.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Long Range Planning Committee
The Session has established a Long Range Planning Committee consisting of Kenny Hopper as Moderator, William Cole and Billie Lois Marshall. Three months from now they will report back to the Session with their recommendations. They invite your suggestions about the issues outlined below.
The Long Range Planning Committee will:
1. Review all church property including the old sanctuary, Whitten House, Youth House and vacant lot next to the church.
2. Determine parking requirements and needs and review the church's use of the First Security Bank parking lot.
3. Contact the First United Methodist Church of Batesville and other area churches including those in Oxford and Tupelo to determine cost of construction of a Family Life Center.
4. Contact First Baptist Church of Batesville to determine the cost of upkeep, maintenance and personnel on their Family Life Center.
5. Determine the cost to repair the old sanctuary and consider how it may be used if repaired.
6. Determine the best location and size of a new building and consider a range of building materials such as red steel.
7. Receive reports and recommendations from any church member who has contacted architects or other professionals in regard to these matters.
8. Consult with other church members, church groups or outside experts as needed.
9. Report their recommendations to the Session six months after they are established.
Maundy Thursday Worship
Confirmation Class on Easter Sunday
Welcome Ruth Kelly
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Celebration Sunday at First Church, Pascagoula, MS
Pascagoula, Mississippi
cordially invites you to
Celebration Sunday
Worship Service and Luncheon
April 30, 2006
10:30 am
Please join us
as we rededicate our sanctuary after
Hurricane Katrina
"To God be the glory"
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Officer Meetings in April
- The Deacons will meet on Monday night, April 10th, at 6:00 P.M. in the Session Room.
- The Administration, Mission, and Property Committees will meet on Monday night, April 10th, at 6:30 P.M. at the church.
- The Session will meet on Monday night, April 10th, at 7:00 P.M. in the Session Room and on Wednesday,. April 12, at 7:00 P.M. to examine the Confirmation Class.
Holy Week Services
8:30 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. worship services
Maundy Thursday
April 13th
7:00 P.M. communion
& tennebrae service
Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 15th
11:00 A.M. @ the Carlson's,
505 College St .
Easter Sunday, April 16th
8:30 A.M. & 11:00 A.M.
worship services
Confirmation class acknowledged
during 11:00 A.M. service
on Easter Sunday
"One Great Hour of Sharing" offering received on Easter Sunday
Your support of One Great Hour of Sharing brings fresh water to thirsty communities around the globe.
- Eleven-year-old Erube lives in a small village in a drought-plagued country in southern Africa. Two or three times daily, she walks three miles round-trip to fetch water. Most days there's no time for school.
- Meanwhile, in Indonesia, Muhamad's small village washed away in the December 2004 tsunami. Half his family was lost in the disaster. Even survivors faced death when only contaminated water was available.
- Roughly 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to safe water. Nearly all of them live in developing nations. Without a stable source many people suffer from thirst, famine and disease. However, when we give lovingly, hope emerges in unexpected places.
In villages like Erube's, for instance, One Great Hour of Sharing supports initiatives to drill local wells designed to protect water from contamination. Those wells spell freedom for children like Erube to do what they're best at: being children.
Meanwhile, Muhamad and his neighbors know the impact of One Great Hour of Sharing because they now have clean water and basic sanitation. That frees villagers like Muhamad to focus energy on the long process of recovering life and community.
"When was it that we saw you thirsty and gave you something to drink?" they asked. And Jesus answered them, "When you did it to the least of these…" Come prepared to give to the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering on Easter Sunday, April 16th, at the 8:30 and 11:00 A.M. worship services.
Flowers on Easter Sunday
- On April 16th, the sanctuary will be decorated with Easter lilies from the Reggie Gordon Flower Fund and from memorials and honorariums. To order one or more Easter lilies, fill out a form (located on church office hallway table) and return it to the church office by Monday, April 10th.
Confirmation Class
- The Confirmation Class will conclude on Wednesday, April 12. The class will meet at 6:00 P.M. and will be examined by the Session at 7:00 P.M. All young people who complete the course may confirm their faith during the 11:00 A.M. worship service on Easter Sunday.
VBS ~ June 19th – 23rd
We are inviting all children ages 4 through 5th grade to be a part of the excitement at our Vacation Bible School, "Adventure of the Treasure Seekers: Exploring God's Promises." With this archaeology-themed VBS, children will be transformed into young archaeologists or Treasure Seekers. Each day, they will dig into the Word of God to discover one of God's most precious promises. The five promises of God we want all children to know are: God Loves You, God Knows You, God Treasures You, God Forgives You, and God Is With You. Through daily "Discovery Digs," children will find treasures that will remind them of these promises. Children will extend their learnings through every activity: making their own special treasures in the Art-i-facts Lab, enjoying tasty snacks at the Canteen Cabana, singing fun Treasure Seekers tunes at Rhythm Rock, learning how to share God's treasures with others at Mission Tel, and participating in recreational activities at Treasure Track.
Come dig with us at Batesville Presbyterian Church on June 19–23 from 9:00 A.M. until Noon. Volunteers are needed. Call Haley Williams at 563-9092 or Sara Helen Ware at 578-3983!
Wedding Invitation
Mr. and Mrs. John David Myers
request the honour of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Jennifer Lynn
Mr. Reginald Mark Garner, Jr.
Saturday, the eighth of April
Two thousand and six
at six o'clock in the evening
Batesville Presbyterian Church
Batesville , Mississippi
and afterwards for the reception
299 Westmoreland Circle
PW Meetings in April
- The Presbyterian Women Afternoon Circle will meet on Monday, April 10th, at 2:00 P.M. in the Rec Room.
- The Presbyterian Women Morning Circle will meet on Tuesday, April 11th, at 9:30 A.M. in the home of Anne Isch, 200 Brinkley Lane.
PYF 4/9/06
- This Sunday PYF will meet at the youth house. The Jr. Highs will meet at 6:00 P.M. and dismiss at 7:00 P.M. The Sr. Highs will join the Jr. Highs at 6:30 P.M. for dinner and dismiss at 8:00 P.M.
Worship Leaders 4/9/06
- Nursery – Jann Williams, Mona Pittman
- Wee Worship – Meg Woods, Dianne Lightsey
- 8:30 A.M. Usher – David Maddux
- 11:00 A.M. Ushers – Andrea Staten, Adam Pittman, Tommy Brooks, Taylor Riddick
- Greeters – Candy Hopper, Kenny Hopper, Mandy Henry, Kevin Henry
- Acolytes – Charley Ann Nix, Emily Appleton
Welcome Visitors
We welcome these who visited in our church on Sunday, April 2nd:
Elizabeth Weiss, Kathryn Jackson, Christian
Jackson, Sandra Jackson, Chris Jackson,
Maria Prather, Katie Prather, Bryan Prather,
Candice Reed, Brooke Vance, Darin Maier.
Thank You
Dear Batesville Presbyterian Church,
Thank you for your prayers and concern during my grandfather's recent illness and death. I am truly blessed to be involved in a congregation as great as ours. I also thank you for your gift to his memorial in Greenwood, Ms. My family is very appreciative of your generosity. Knowing that I have the church family I do makes facing difficult times much easier. Thank you again.
God bless,
Brad Clark